', 'get("parent-url","home"); ?>');} Then in form display section I added data-gvalidate_success:ga_track_eventto the form tag attributes boxAll code is loaded in front-end, just de ga_track_event function doesn't get fired.Please help, regards,Mark"> Google Analytics Tracking in CFv6 - Forums


Google Analytics Tracking in CFv6

pinkeltje77 27 Jul, 2017

I am trying to get GA event tracking enabled in CFv6. In the forums I see the use of data-gvalidate_success but when implemented it doesnt track anything inside GA.

I use following JS in Javascript custom code block:
function ga_track_event(event, form){
 console.log('tracking fired');
  ga('send', 'event', 'verzend-contact-formulier', '<?php echo $this->get("pagesection","home"); ?>', '<?php echo $this->get("parent-url","home"); ?>');

Then in form display section I added
to the form tag attributes box

All code is loaded in front-end, just de ga_track_event function doesn't get fired.

Please help, regards,
pinkeltje77 27 Jul, 2017
That does not help, I followed that but its not working.
pinkeltje77 03 Aug, 2017
Really no one can help me with this?
Max_admin 09 Aug, 2017
Hi pinkeltje77,

Apologies, I did not see this earlier!

Did you try just placing the code inside <script> and </script> tags inside a "Custom code" action in the form "submit" event ?

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
healyhatman 01 Mar, 2018
For the form itself, go to your setup tab and under "load" -> "Display section", under "Form tag attributes" you can put in
Obviously, replace contactForm and submitContactForm with whatever category and event name you want.
For buttons, under your Designer tab, go Advanced and put the code in the Extra Attributes field.
Please note the -> : <- separating the two parts of the attribute., as opposed to an equals sign.
I have just done this and verified that my event is correctly fired and sent to GA.
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