
copy/paste of fields, sections etc.

jcm69 18 Jul, 2017
Is there a way to copy/paste things in CF6 ?
I'm making forms for registering travel informations. I'd like to copy the fields I've defined for day and time of departure entries and then paste then in the same from and just have to change their name to day and time of arrival. It would be great. I've looked around but didn't find any result :-(
Thanks in advance,
Max_admin 19 Jul, 2017
Hi jc,

This feature is on the todo list but not yet ready, hopefully it will be available in the next one or two updates.

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
jcm69 19 Jul, 2017
Thanks for your quick response. ChronoForm is really really great ! For the moment, I'm just evaluating different soft but even with this little omission, I might choose it. It is so fun to work with it !
jc !
Max_admin 19 Jul, 2017
Hi JC,

I'm glad you like Chronoforms, please do not hesitate to let me know if there are some features you think are missing or can be improved.

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
jcm69 19 Jul, 2017
Hi Max,
ok, so maybe the yellow icon with 2 arrows (up and down) to move fields should be changed ? I've seen some places (I think it was Joomla) where this icon was used to move something up/down depending on wether you clicked on the up/down arrow. But once you know it, you know it ! Maybe something like the purple cross of arrows but in another color ? Ideally, there would be only 1 icon. Well, except if there something I didn't catch.
Don't know wether this is possible or not, but many times, I put the mouse over an icon, the pointer becomes a hand and... that's all. I'd have like to see an info buble.
Don't blame me, you asked !🙂 I fill guilty😉
And maybe... When you've got a long form, it would be cool to close/open some composed fields. See what I mean ? You always see all the fields of a body, it takes place.
HTH, best regards,
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