Hi Repitol,
There's an error showing up on the page: Mixed Content: "The page at 'https://www.___.com/index.php?option=com_chronoforms&chronoform=enregistrement' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script 'http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/challenge?k=6LfNoAUAAAAAAKi8QZmjv-QHOvlGtyh509SG3FzG'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS."
It looks as though you need to switch the ReCaptcha to use the secure Google url.
Right Bob !
I modified the "LoadReCaptcha" action / advanced - 1rst Url (ReCaptcha server)
for https
and it works now
Hi Bob,
the recaptcha is well displayed now but not working correctly (whatever we try, the code never match)
Do I have to change the default private and public key with the ones generated by Google recaptcha for the domain ?
Hi Repitol,
I can't see much from the front-end - please take a Form Backup using the icon in the Forms Manager and post it here and I'll take a closer look.
yes indeed
1 ) I don't have the good public and private keys ( I use the domain ones) ?
2 ) it fails under https ?
Hi Bob,
this is the error message Recaptcha displays on the https website
reCAPTCHA a renvoyé : invalid-request-cookie
Does it gives you a clue ?
Bob I think I know where the problem is :
CF V4 only accepts Recaptcha V1
but Google Recaptcha doesn't use this version anymore, only V2
so no way to confirm the V1 code on Google API
Solution :
- use CF V5 if possible (the website is still under Joomla 1.5)
- or (what I did) : disable Registration with CF and recaptcha
Note : In My CF V4 version, when I delete recaptcha (On Load) or (On Submit)
it deletes all On Load / On Submit actions. Weird...
Hi Repitol,
The correct answer is to upgrade the site as Joomla! 1.5 hasn't been supported by Joomla! for quite a while now.
I don't know exactly want the problem is - I tested it on Joomla! 3 and the ReCaptcha works OK so it isn't the withdrawn support. It may be the combo of Joomla! 1.5 and CFv4 and ReCaptcha v1 falls down somewhere.
I suggest that you switch to use another of the Anti-Spam Captchas in CF - that's probably the simplest work-around.
Yep, I know about that Joomla version. Upgrade is on the wishlist for this summer
Whatever thanks for your help Bob !