
submit Button doesn't work (Joomla 3.7.3)

Chris_COS23 06 Jul, 2017
Hey guys,

yesterday we updated the Joomla Version from 3.7.2 to 3.7.3. Since then the submit button doesn't work no more
here's the website:

best regards,
GreyHead 07 Jul, 2017
Hi Chris,

The submit button is disabled - is this from a form setting somewhere? I don't see any obvious code to re-enable it.

Chris_COS23 07 Jul, 2017
Hey Bob,

the submit button shoud be enabled after accpeting the terms of service.
If you need, i can give you an temporary admin-login.

GreyHead 07 Jul, 2017
Hi Chris,

I took a look and can now see that the submit button does nothing (I have an 'auto-completer' for testing and that sets the radio button but doesn't enable the submit button). I had a poke around, checked the form without the template and can't see what is causing this. I have updated my test site to 3.7.3 and my test forms appear to be submitting OK.

Max is much more experienced in CFv6 than I am - I suggest that you send him a message using the Contact Use menu above and linking to this thread.

Chris_COS23 11 Jul, 2017
Hey Bob,

thanks for your reply. I sent Max a private message on last friday.
Max_admin 14 Jul, 2017
Hi Chris,

The submit button should work fine, I tested the form and the button is set to "disabled".

Or the problem is that the auto completer does not set the button to enabled upon making a selection ?

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
MarlonCOS 14 Jul, 2017

I'm Chris' colleague (he's on a holiday). I tried to enable the submit button by changing the accepting of the terms of service. But the form still doesn't submit.

Other problem I have is that it's nearly impossible to get into the chronoforms and following message keeps appearing:

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 45 seconds exceeded in /var/www/. . . /libraries/cegcore2/helpers/data_loader.php on line 72

I hope you could somehow help us?

Kind regards,
Max_admin 15 Jul, 2017
Hi Marlon,

Please take a form backup using the backup button in the forms manager so I can test it locally, please upload the file some where and send me the link here, you can have the link inside private content area.

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Chris_COS23 24 Jul, 2017
Hey Max,

here's the link to the backup:

This is private content

GreyHead 24 Jul, 2017
Hi Chris,

I restored the English version of your form on my test site and it appears to be working OK. There is no problem in submitting the form (once you have met all the validation checks) and the Email to user is sent OK (I disabled the Email to admin). Please let me know if you want to take a look.

No clues from that about the problems you are having and the form itself looks OK - though I do see some odd gsScroll data being submitted.

There might be some kind of server limitation at work here??

Chris_COS23 24 Jul, 2017
Hey Bob,

i've got no idea whats the problem.

I no created a new form with same content and it work's fine.
healyhatman 25 Jul, 2017
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 45 seconds exceeded in [path]/libraries/cegcore2/helpers/data_loader.php on line 72

1. Hide your path, apparently it's bad security to let people know your server path or something

2. Increase the max execution time in your server settings, large forms can take ages to save or load in the backend and you'd hate to lose everything you worked on when it times out.

Can't help with anything else though.
MarlonCOS 26 Jul, 2017
Hey Bob,

thank you all for the help!

Could someone please delete or change the server path I posted here? I don't have enough posts to edit my previous post.

Thank you!
Max_admin 30 Jul, 2017
Done that!

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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