
Joomla registration link in Chronoforms 6

Palmyrae 25 May, 2017
Hello everyone,

I am trying to setup a registration form with the new V6. I was able to do it with V5, but now things are a bit different.
Can you tell me if this code : FAQ Registration link still works ? Has it changed ? Because I have a blank page when trying to call my form with this template override.

By the way, if there are other changes in the procedure I will be glad to know !

Thanks for your help.
Max_admin 28 May, 2017
Hi Palmyrae,

The blank page happens after the redirect has happened or the redirect doe not occur at all ?

Alternatively you may use the new ChronoDirector extension, it can intercept the request to the registration page and display the form instead.

If you decide to go this route then please let me know and I can write a small guide for you.

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Palmyrae 28 May, 2017
A guide would be great, I'm trying to find any piece of information I can on CF V6. So far it's indeed globally more intuitive, but I feel it lacks some features that were easier to set up in V5.
Max_admin 02 Jun, 2017
Hi Palmyrae,

Just to be clear, the problem is with getting the user registered or having the redirect from the default registration page ?

if its the later then you can use the new ChronoDirector extension and let me know to prepare a guide.

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
madjari 03 Jun, 2017
I am also struggling with migrating my user registration from V5 to V6.
In V5 in the action "Joomla Registration" there was a field "User activation" that I could set to "Email activation". This was a very helpful feature as it utilized Joomla's own two step user activation process.
For legal reasons I have to use this two-step mechanism that sends an E-Mail and only activates users after confirming per E-Mail (makes sure that the email address is only used by the real owner of the address).
How can i achieve the same effect in ChronoForms V6? Any hint is appreciated, this is the last step for me to completely migrate. And by the way: Great job with V6!
Kind regards,
Max_admin 04 Jun, 2017
Hi Andreas,

If you have already managed to get the user saved then there is an "Activate user" action which can be added to a new event in your form, you can then build the activation link in the email and point it to this new form event.

The next update should have a demo form for that, but for now I can send you a form backup which has everything setup, just please send me a message using the contact page.

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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