
Chronoforms stopped working.

marcomax 15 May, 2017
I updated Joomla to v. 3.7 and switched my server PHP to version 7+

Chronoform stopped working (error 500) when entering administration.

I rolled PHP version back to 5.6.x and now I can enter administration, but when trying editing forms I get stuck for ever at loading screen.

I already erased cache on chronoforms, joomla and browser.

Thanks for your support.
GreyHead 15 May, 2017
Hi marcomax,

There are known bugs with CFv5 and PHP 7.1 - if you use PHP 7.0 all should be well.

Please see the admin section in this FAQ for the loading screen problem.

marcomax 16 May, 2017
Hi, sorry I don't see any link to any FAQ and I tried with PHP 7.0.18 and still get an error 500.

Thanks for your support.
GreyHead 16 May, 2017
Hi Marcomax,

Oops - sorry, the site crashed while I was posting and I had a saved copy of the post but without the link - now re-added.

I don't know why you are getting a 500 error - could be that something is blocking some of the page loading?

marcomax 17 May, 2017
Looks like Chronoforms installation was corrupted. Uninstalling and reinstalling it fixed everything. Thanks for your support.
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