
Android drag and drop

FloB 12 May, 2017
When I use CF from my PC (windows 8), I have no problem.
I tried to use CF from my smartphone (Android 6.0.1) : I can open an existing form or create a new one, the buttons "Save", "Cancel" are working well. But I can't drag and drop any element or action...
I agree smartphone is not the best support to developp web site, still it's helping out sometimes.

Does CF6 have the same problem?
Could you fix it please?

Max_admin 12 May, 2017
Hi Florence,

It would be very difficult to use the form designer on a smartphone but I will add it to the todo list.

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
FloB 12 May, 2017
Max_admin 04 Apr, 2018
Hi Vikas,
It's on the todo list, hopefully it will be ready in the near future.
Best regards
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
healyhatman 20 Jul, 2018
Why are you doing development on your phone? I doubt it's a priority, you're better off just using a computer.
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