
Website goes down when saving form

r00s7a 11 May, 2017
I have created a form, relatively simple, 37 fields. If I make a change to the form, my complete website is knocked offline for a few minutes. I can replicate this error every time simply by renaming the form, when I go to save, website goes down. I have increased max vars to 10000 with no changes in results. suhosin is not running. Any ideas on what would cause this?

Joomla! 3.7.0
PHP 5.6.30
Chronoforms v5
GreyHead 12 May, 2017
Hi r00s7a,

Please try setting your site Error Reporting temporarily to Maximum (and possibly site debugging too) and see if you see any more helpful error messages.

Please also take a Form Backup using the icon in the Forms Manager and post it here so I can take a closer look at that.

r00s7a 12 May, 2017
Error reporting has been turned to Maximum and site debugging is turned on. Once all of that was turned on I recreated the process to cause the error and did not get any error messages. Filled out the form on the site and it worked as it should, form was emailed to me with all the data in it. Front end all seems to be normal, but the backend is where the problems seem to reside.

The form backup is attached.
GreyHead 12 May, 2017
Hi r00s7a,

I restored the form and there are no obvious problems. I can edit and save OK. BUT the form On Submit event is empty - there are no actions there. Was that lost in saving or did you send an edited copy?

I suspect a server limitation of some kind here - but I don't know what that might be.

r00s7a 12 May, 2017
I sent that using the backup copy of the form, which had the same problems as the original, but did not have the On Submit configured, as it is the last thing that I do. I have attached the working copy if that makes any difference. This is hosted on a godaddy server, unfortunately. Have you ever come across any settings like that on a managed hosting server from a company like that? Is there anything in that form that could be optimized that might not hit the server limitation? It seems pretty basic, but I wasn't sure about those custom fields that have lots of text.
r00s7a 02 Jun, 2017
Any update or new information that might be causing this? I moved it to a complete new domain and still having the same problem. If it makes matters any easier, I am also experiencing the same problem as this person, with half my form disappearing after I try to make a change.
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