In my form I have an event Display Message to display a thank message in the "on submit" section, It works well when I try the form in the "test form" but It does not appear when I call the form from the Joomla menu.
Hi beppegr ,
Which version of ChronoForms are you using?
What do you see after you submit the form? And what is the URL of that page?
I'm using ChronoForms v. 5
After the submit I see the informations from the "Debugger" event instead when I try the form from "test form" I see the thank message and the informations from the "Debugger"
The URL is
The form call is "Scheda Inserimento Dati Aprile 2017 (NEW)"
Thanks a lot
Hi Beppe,
It looks as though I need a login:
Non sei autorizzato a vedere questa risorsa.
Hi beppegr,
The form backup looks OK as far as I can tell.
I can now log in to the site OK but where is the form?
Hi Bob,
the form start from the menu item "Scheda Inserimento Dati Aprile 2017"