
Event "Display Message" does not work correctly

beppegr 11 May, 2017
In my form I have an event Display Message to display a thank message in the "on submit" section, It works well when I try the form in the "test form" but It does not appear when I call the form from the Joomla menu.
GreyHead 11 May, 2017
Hi beppegr ,

Which version of ChronoForms are you using?

What do you see after you submit the form? And what is the URL of that page?

beppegr 11 May, 2017
I'm using ChronoForms v. 5

After the submit I see the informations from the "Debugger" event instead when I try the form from "test form" I see the thank message and the informations from the "Debugger"

The URL is

The form call is "Scheda Inserimento Dati Aprile 2017 (NEW)"

Thanks a lot

GreyHead 11 May, 2017
Hi Beppe,

It looks as though I need a login:

Non sei autorizzato a vedere questa risorsa.

beppegr 12 May, 2017
Hi Bob

here is your login:

This is private content

beppegr 12 May, 2017
I've attached the form
beppegr 06 Jun, 2017
Nobody can help me?
GreyHead 09 Jun, 2017
Hi beppegr,

The form backup looks OK as far as I can tell.

I can now log in to the site OK but where is the form?

beppegr 12 Jun, 2017
Hi Bob,

the form start from the menu item "Scheda Inserimento Dati Aprile 2017"

GreyHead 12 Jun, 2017
Hi beppegr,

I got "Internal Server Error" when I tried to submit the form. I have no idea if the data was valid or not.

I suspect that there may be a problem with the form Action URL which is currently set to

Please try setting this to a custom menu item or a non-SEF URL - please see this FAQ

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