
Change text field size in V6

omidhz 07 Apr, 2017
Where can I enter "Size" and "Max length" in V6 form text fields?
Max_admin 07 Apr, 2017
Hi omidhz,

You can add this to the "Extra attributes" fields under the "Advanced" tab:


Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
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omidhz 07 Apr, 2017
Thank you
SPABO 12 Apr, 2017
Tried this suggestion, but it does not work here Max!
Max_admin 12 Apr, 2017
Hi Kees,

It will set the property but the field width will not change, it can change using the class only.

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
SPABO 12 Apr, 2017
Ah, but changing class is not what I would like
MSC 26 Apr, 2017
Hi Admins,
to set the width of a text-field seems to be a very secret science. It is not documented nor intuitive.
My Question: How to set a Field to a certain width ??
With the parameters
the lenght of the field doesn't change, it is alwas the complete width of the website and only the input lenght is limited. Looks not very professionell.
So, can somebody explain me how to set field-lenght and input-lenght?
In V5 it was much easier to set these parameters.

best regards
GreyHead 26 Apr, 2017
Hi msc,

First the maxlength attribute does nothing about the look of the form - it just sets the maximum number of characters that can be entered. If you need to set it then you can do that in the Extra attributes box of the element.

The size attribute was once used to set the visible size of a form element but is now rather out of date - it is more usual to set that using CSS

If you want to use size then you need to add a line of CSS to over-ride the default CSS. To see this add these to the Extra attributes box

SPABO 28 Apr, 2017
Hi Bob

To make it a bit more confusing Bob

maxlength: 50>>I understand
size:10>>why is it still in?? as it is not used anymore

I'm also struggling with the label sizes, the input area's (eg I don't want rounded coreners, I don't like teh margein etc)

I would appreciate to go to the ols V4./V5 settings

MSC 05 May, 2017
Hi Bob,
thank you for your support, but I decided to go back to V5. Without any documentation for V6 it takes me too long to find out all the hidden instructions.

Best Regards
Max_admin 05 May, 2017

The latest update released today adds a new feature to control the fields width, beside other features which are not available in v5, hopefully more documentation will be available for v6 soon.

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
jcmafra 31 Dec, 2018
I can't find fields width control. Could you please post here a printscreen?
healyhatman 03 Jan, 2019
It's under the advanced tab. But I highly recommend NOT using it because it doesn't work very well on mobile. Instead, under "container class" use a Semantic-UI class like
field six wide
Max_admin 11 Mar, 2019
Make sure your form is in advanced mode for this to work!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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