On my form at https://straatrommelmarkten.nl/straatrommelmarkt-aanmelden I use tooltips. At this moment the icon for the tooltips is blue (standard), but I want to have it black and maybe a little bit bigger.
How can I change the color of that icon (at the right of the label and asterisk) ?
Hi Bob,
That FAQ is only about the asterisk and the "tooltip" in case some required information is missing. That is not what I mean.
What I mean is the color of the blue circle with exclamation mark in it, next to the asterisk.
Yes! That is what I was looking for. I couldn't find which class I had to use. But now I know.
Thanks and have a nice day!
...Is it also possible to change the exclamation mark into a question mark or other symbols?
Hi Bob,
Thank for your help and inspiration for new possibilities. I used "\f05a" for the info icon. It looks Great!