
Problem with captcha

pflores77 15 Mar, 2017

i have a problem with a chronoforms form in joomla site web

At end of form i have a captcha element required, but from some days arrive me many spam email.

I tryed to send a message without the captcha code and regularly don't start.

So, how is it possible that arrive me many spam email?

GreyHead 15 Mar, 2017
Hi pflores77,

Please see this FAQ

Are you using the Simple Wizard? If so then check that you have the Captcha enabled on the Setup tab.

If not, then make sure that the Check Captcha action is the first action in the form On Submit event and there is an Event Loop action in the pink On Fail event box.

pflores77 17 Mar, 2017
Hi Bob,

i check all tab of my chronoform setup and for me all is ok. I send you 2 screenshot of setup tab and of "on fail" tab. Please confirm that all is ok, but is a misterious situation because the spam email arrive always from the same link of my website (these: I have the same form in other page and not arrive spam. Only from here.

I chack also in database and i look that the spam mail arrive with a not regular time and not all days.

Is a very mysterious situation

Thansk for your assistance
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