
The little red stars showing that a field has to be validated do not appear

NinaB 13 Feb, 2017

A have a problem with an advanced form. In the designer mode in the back-end I have set some fields to be required under validation. Anyhow, the little red stars showing that a field has to be validated do not appear in the front-end.

Do you know what I am doing wrong?

Thanks and

Best regards

Nina Balslev
GreyHead 14 Feb, 2017
Hi Nina,

The most likely explanation is that either the site CSS is hiding them or that Font Awesome is not loading on the page. Checking the page with your browser web developer tools should help you diagnose the problem.

NinaB 15 Feb, 2017
Thank you Bob

I would very much like to know, how I can find my own old questions respective your old answers under my profile?

Best regards

Nina Balslev
GreyHead 15 Feb, 2017
Hi Nina,

You can search on NinaB using the 'magnifying glass' search icon at the top left here.

Or you can view your profile by clicking your username and then click the Activity tab.

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