
Navigator Bug ?

salvok5 10 Feb, 2017
I try to explain.
I have a paginator, on a view -> elenco
and the read data there is as 15 page limit.

From the view -> index have 2 links:
one pointing on view -> elenco which results in 30 records
the second pointing on view -> elenco which results in 10 records.

The error is this:
Click on the second link and it displays the first 15 of 30 total records.
Click on the second page and it displays the records 16-30.
way back on view->index once again visualize the two links.
Now click on the first link, are not displayed not even a RECORD, because the paginator is on the second page that is wrong because the records are ONLY 10.

There should be a check on the paginator that if the records are less than or equal to page limit setting should be automatic ON FIRST PAGE.
Max_admin 10 Feb, 2017
Hi Salvo,

The read data functions have different names, correct ? also what about the model names, are they unique ? if not then please try that, that should be fixed in the next update though.

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
salvok5 13 Feb, 2017
No. the read data not is different names.
Because second to the clicked link should call the read data with a different where.
The solution is that you do a check when the paginator is loaded if
the records are less than or equal to page limit setting should be automatic ON FIRST PAGE.
Max_admin 13 Feb, 2017
Hi Salvo,

how many read data functions are used in this process ? one or 2 ?

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Max_admin 14 Feb, 2017
Hi Salvo,

I'm attaching a patch file for the read data function, please install the file using the "install feature" page in Connectivity admin and then test the navigator again.

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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