HI, Max
I can achieve this with some function to "Columns classes"?
how can I do ?
Hi Salvo,
No, you will need to use some custom CSS, and this is not advised, you better use the "repeater" view, the repeater will loop over all the items in the data provider, you can then open a table in the header and close it in the footer, and add the rows code in the repeater body, you can create a connection copy and try this.
Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Hi Salvo,
In the code, please replace "richiama_elencogruppo" by the repeater view name, because you are referencing the repeater data now, not the data provider.
Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Thanks Max, for his precious advice.
Very soon I will make payment of the library.
you fail to insert on the forum a new topic
hi Max,
you fail to insert on the forum a new topic
therefore I expose the problem on this post
Problem: fill a dropdownlist from a field
I put on Views a dropdown (name-> select5[] id-> select5)
so I inserted Events->Index:
{fn: richiama_atto}
how I do calling events->index to populate a dropdown from a field in a table ?
Hi salvo,
what happens exactly when you try to post a new topic ?
You populate a dropdown from a db read function this way:
#1- call the read data function in the event before calling the fields view, make sure the read data function "data" is set to "array of key/value", and write the 2 fields you want in the "Fields list", do NOT mark the "this is an extra fields list".
#2- add the {var:function_name} to the "options" box of the dropdown/checkboxes group or radios.
Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Hi Salvo,
In the dropdown options field, just write this line:
Now your "read_data" function, must have the "select type" set to key/value pairs, and pagination disabled, and fields to retrieve:
and the "this is an extra fields list" disabled.
But if you want to get the first word only then you will need one extra php function to modify the array data before they re used by the dropdown.
When do you get the blank page when you create the topic ? before or after you write the text ?
Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?