The problem: ">" sign from "$form->data" works as a closing tag and only in Display Message.Could You help to me how to ignore ">" sign, please."> Form data problem in "Display Message" using PHP - Forums


Form data problem in "Display Message" using PHP

GESign 13 Jan, 2017
Dear Team,

I have a problem only in "Display Message"element on "Setup" tab.
I would like to use this code in the html message:
<?php if($form->data['radio49'] == 'kWh') { ?>
The problem: ">" sign from "$form->data" works as a closing tag and only in Display Message.
Could You help to me how to ignore ">" sign, please.
Max_admin 13 Jan, 2017
Hi GESign,

The Display Message action does not support PHP - you can use a "custom code" action for running PHP code and html together.

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
GESign 18 Jan, 2017
Hi Max,

"Custom code" perfectly worked. Thank You! This tread can be closed.

Best regards,
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