
Does restore from backup overwrite all forms?

jjspelman 15 Sep, 2016
I have a client who has 4 websites and I have rebuilt one of the forms that are shared on all 4. They each have several forms on each site.

I have backed the new form on the one site, and am a little nervous to restore on the other 3. I say this because I do not know if this will overwrite all forms on the other 3 sites? Or just import this new form and add it to the forms manager? If the latter, then shouldn't it just be called Export and Import?
jjspelman 15 Sep, 2016
I have answered this myself. I installed a test Joomla installation, then installed CFV5, imported their demo forms, then "restored" the form in question on this test site. Worked like a charm and didn't overwrite anything.

A great time saving feature!!!!!
GreyHead 16 Sep, 2016
Hi jjspelman,

Using backup and restore is quite safe.

A few things to check afterwards though:

+ check that all the forms have unique names - if there are duplicates then CF will usually use the one with the lower form ID which can get confusing if you are editing the other one.

+ check the table selection for all the forms that link to tables - these will often be broken, particularly if the prefix has changed.

+ If you have changed domain check any Google ReCaptcha keys are still valid.

jjspelman 16 Sep, 2016
Good advice, Bob. I will certainly check to make certain all its well. Thanks!
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