
Form Retrieving OLD Data

lselbach 12 Jul, 2016
Hi there

I have a form that was working good, retrieving data from the Joomla DB

But the field PROFISSIONAL (which is a dropdown called 'dropcontatos'), keeps filling the field with OLD DELETED DATA (for example, the 'Leo Evandro' user is deleted from Users and also Contacts.)

I use a DBRead action after the onLoad and before the render form

Then there is a custom code field on the OnSubmit (code) area
$juser = JFactory::getUser($form->data['dropcontatos']);
$form->data['user_email'] = $juser->email;
$form->data['name'] = $juser->name;

Is there any Chronoforms Cache saved anywhere??
Where is the data being retrieved?

Thanks for helping!!

lselbach 12 Jul, 2016
I think I need human help.
GreyHead 12 Jul, 2016
Hi Lucas,

There is nothing cached - the data is read straight from the table. Have you checked that to see what data is there?

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