
Multiple emails sent

desertdiana 23 Jun, 2016
Hi Greyhead,

The last couple of weeks we are receiving multiple emails from a same user and one seems to not have the email address in the body or the from area.

I test and don't have any issues, so not sure what is going on or what the user is doing to cause this.

Attached is as screen shot of the 3 this morning and here is the form having the issue.

Any ideas for me?

Thank you,
GreyHead 24 Jun, 2016
Hi Diana,

The screenshot didn't make it - you need to upload before you submit. You might try using the Submit Limit action from the Security Action group to block any double-clicks or resubmissions.

desertdiana 07 Jul, 2016
Hi Greyhead,

Attached are 2 screenshots. the form showing that email is required and the other the result. This only happens about once a week.

I just added the Submit Limit action from the Security Action group. Do I need to add an event loop? Should I change the seconds to 10?

Thank you!

Also I never get post notifications from the forum. Checked my spam folder too.

GreyHead 07 Jul, 2016
Hi DesertDiana,

You do need an Event Loop, or a ReDirect action on the Submit Limit action On Fail event - otherwise nothing happens.

Clentside validation should work OK, provided that the user has JavaScript enabled (most do these days) but to be sure you should add Serverside validation that runs after the form is submitted and is much more reliable. There is a ServerSide validation action where you can add a list of inputs that you want validated - again it needs an Event Loop action in the pink On Fail event to re-load the form.

There was a forum hiccup with some posts - including one of yours - last week. That may have been why you didn't get the reminder. Max has updated the code and hopefully that is all now fixed . . .

desertdiana 07 Jul, 2016
Thank you Bob

Here is what I have set up...............just added the JS client side as well.

Do it look right?

GreyHead 07 Jul, 2016
Hi DesertDiana,

Looks good to me, on purely aesthetic grounds I'd re-order the actions Submit Limit > Check Google No Captcha > Serverside Validation as there is no need to validate if the limit is broken or the Captcha fails.

desertdiana 07 Jul, 2016
Thank you Greyhead............I was wondering if I had the order right.

Hopefully this will eliminate the missing email and will let you know!

Kindest Regards,

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