Please help me how to create form submit as download file when input file name, dynamic link from the upload directory (C:\xampp\htdocs\sipmb\components\com_chronoforms5\chronoforms\uploads\UPLOAD_KARTU_UJIAN)? how can I call the file from upload dir by input form.
thanks a lot
Hi irawan,
Is it always the same file to be downloaded?
Do you want anything else to be done after the form submits?
Thank you very much bob to answer my question.
I mean are its posible when fill these form and submit I'll get the file from upload directory? How I call the file from these form?
How can I do that.
Hi Irawan,
I'm sorry but I don't understand what you need to do :-(
I think, Irawan want to create a dynamic result. I mean, when we input the textbox with let say 10 random number, the action is download/preview pdf file that have relation with that number.
table structure
ID | kode_registrasi | pdf_url
1 | 12345678910 | http://localhost/sipmb/components/com_chronoforms5/chronoforms/uploads/1234678910.pdf.
I suggest to Irawan that you should create a result page that contain any information related to kode registrasi, then you show the link to download pdf file. Image on attach