I have used the info provided here: http://www.chronoengine.com/forums/posts/f5/t65646.html?page=1 to add an image to the submit article form as explained but somehow it replaces the complete intro text with the uploaded image.
I am trying to place the image before the intro text but after spending plenty of time i am hoping for some support.
The custom code i am using is:
$uri = JFactory::getURI();
$img_tag = "<img src='{$uri->root()}images/ingezonden/{$form->data['intro-image']}' alt='image' />";
// add the image to the introtext
$form->data['introtekst'] = "{$img_tag} ";
I have named the image upload intro-image and for the joomla article submission i have the following id's
I suspect that the issue comes from this line; $form->data['introtekst'] = "{$img_tag} ";
Below i have my debug details:
Data Array
[option] => com_chronoforms5
[view] => form
[Itemid] => 147
[chronoform] => artikel-inzenden
[event] => submit
[title] => Article with intro image
[introtekst] => <img src='http://www.suc6fulwomen.eu/main/responsive/images/ingezonden/20160510150350_20150802_091812.jpg' alt='image' />
[artikeltekst] => <p>This is the complete article text</p>
[button4] => Verzenden
[intro-image] => 20160510150350_20150802_091812.jpg
[ip_address] =>
[intro-image] => Array
[name] => 20160510150350_20150802_091812.jpg
[original_name] => 20150802_091812.jpg
[path] => /var/www/vhosts/suc6fulwomen.eu/httpdocs/main/responsive/images/ingezonden/20160510150350_20150802_091812.jpg
[size] => 4025605
[link] => http://www.suc6fulwomen.eu/main/responsive/images/ingezonden/20160510150350_20150802_091812.jpg
Debug Info
[4] => Array
[Files Upload] => Array
[0] => Upload routine started for file upload by : intro-image
[1] => /var/www/vhosts/suc6fulwomen.eu/httpdocs/main/responsive/images/ingezonden/20160510150350_20150802_091812.jpg has been uploaded successfully.
[3] => Array
[Email] => Array
[0] => An email with the details below was sent successfully:
[1] => To:info@jigsaw-webdesign.nl
[2] => Subject:Er is een nieuw tekstartikel op www.suc6fulwomen.eu aangeboden
[3] => From name:Suc6ful Women
[4] => From email:teja@suc6fulwomen.eu
[5] => CC:
[6] => BCC:
[7] => Reply name:
[8] => Reply email:
[9] => Attachments:
[10] => Array
[0] => /var/www/vhosts/suc6fulwomen.eu/httpdocs/main/responsive/images/ingezonden/20160510150350_20150802_091812.jpg
[11] => Body:
<tr><td>Titel artikel</td><td>Article with intro image</td></tr>
<tr><td>Intro afbeelding</td><td>20160510150350_20150802_091812.jpg</td></tr>
<tr><td>Plaats hier de intro tekst</td><td><img src='http://www.suc6fulwomen.eu/main/responsive/images/ingezonden/20160510150350_20150802_091812.jpg' alt='image' /> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Volledig artikel</td><td><p>This is the complete article text</p></td></tr>
</table><br /><br />IP: