Form Input - works fine...although the calendars are black background which I'm not a fan of...but it works
Result - Data not showing
Custom code on submit
echo "Paypal Report: $startdate thru $enddate";
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query = "SELECT
(select sum(p.order_product_quantity * p.order_product_price) FROM ...hikashop_order_product as p WHERE p.order_id=o.order_id
AND p.order_product_name not like '%Membership%'
AND p.order_product_name not like '%Campaign%'
AND p.order_product_name not like '%SAT / ACT%'
AND p.order_product_name not like '%Donation%'
) as spiritwear,
(select sum(p.order_product_quantity * p.order_product_price) FROM ..._hikashop_order_product as p WHERE p.order_id=o.order_id AND p.order_product_name like '%Membership%') as membership,
(select sum(p.order_product_quantity * p.order_product_price) FROM ...hikashop_order_product as p WHERE p.order_id=o.order_id AND p.order_product_name like '%Donation%') as donation,
(select sum(p.order_product_quantity * p.order_product_price) FROM ...hikashop_order_product as p WHERE p.order_id=o.order_id AND p.order_product_name like '%Campaign%') as campaign,
(select sum(p.order_product_quantity * p.order_product_price) FROM ...hikashop_order_product as p WHERE p.order_id=o.order_id AND p.order_product_name like '%SAT / ACT%') as satact,
order_discount_price as discount,
order_full_price as total
FROM ...hikashop_order as o
WHERE o.order_status IN ('confirmed','shipped') AND o.order_payment_method='paypal' AND from_unixtime(o.order_created)>='$startdate 00:00:00' AND from_unixtime(o.order_created)<='$enddate 23:59:59'
AND exists (SELECT 1 FROM ...hikashop_history where history_reason='automatic payment notification received' and history_order_id=order_id)
$data = $db->loadAssocList ();
<table class="admin list" style="border:1px solid #dddddd;padding:10px;">
<tr style='border:1px solid #cccccc;'>
<th style='padding:10px;'>Spirit Wear</th>
<th style='padding:10px;'>Membership</th>
<th style='padding:10px;'>Donation</th>
<th style='padding:10px;'>Sun Shade</th>
<th style='padding:10px;'>SAT/ACT</th>
<th style='padding:10px;'>Discount</th>
<th style='padding:10px;'>Total</th>
function showdata($data,$isdollar) {
if (!$isdollar) {
echo "<td style='padding:5px;'>".$data."</td>";
else {
if(!($data+0)) {
else {
echo "<td style='text-align:center;padding:5px;'>".$amount."</td>";
foreach($data as $detail) {
echo "<tr style='border:1px solid #cccccc;'>";
foreach ($fields as $f) {
// showdata($detail['spiritwear'],1);
// showdata($detail['membership'],1);
// showdata($detail['donation'],1);
// showdata($detail['campaign'],1);
// showdata($detail['satact'],1);
// showdata($detail['discount'],1);
// showdata($detail['total'],1);
echo "</tr>";
// total row
echo "<tr style='border:2px solid #000000;'>";
foreach ($fields as $f) {
echo "</tr>";
Would you be able to take a look at it? Would love to buy you a beer / coffee for any assist!!! 😀