getQuery(true); $query = "SELECT (select sum(p.order_product_quantity * p.order_product_price) FROM ...hikashop_order_product as p WHERE p.order_id=o.order_id AND p.order_product_name not like '%Membership%' AND p.order_product_name not like '%Campaign%' AND p.order_product_name not like '%SAT / ACT%' AND p.order_product_name not like '%Donation%' ) as spiritwear, (select sum(p.order_product_quantity * p.order_product_price) FROM ..._hikashop_order_product as p WHERE p.order_id=o.order_id AND p.order_product_name like '%Membership%') as membership, (select sum(p.order_product_quantity * p.order_product_price) FROM ...hikashop_order_product as p WHERE p.order_id=o.order_id AND p.order_product_name like '%Donation%') as donation, (select sum(p.order_product_quantity * p.order_product_price) FROM ...hikashop_order_product as p WHERE p.order_id=o.order_id AND p.order_product_name like '%Campaign%') as campaign, (select sum(p.order_product_quantity * p.order_product_price) FROM ...hikashop_order_product as p WHERE p.order_id=o.order_id AND p.order_product_name like '%SAT / ACT%') as satact,order_discount_price as discount,order_full_price as total FROM ...hikashop_order as o WHERE o.order_status IN ('confirmed','shipped') AND o.order_payment_method='paypal' AND from_unixtime(o.order_created)>='$startdate 00:00:00' AND from_unixtime(o.order_created)setQuery($query); $data = $db->loadAssocList (); ?> Spirit Wear Membership Donation Sun Shade SAT/ACT Discount Total ".$data.""; } else { if(!($data+0)) { $amount=""; } else { $amount=sprintf("%.2f",$data); } echo "".$amount.""; } } foreach($data as $detail) { echo ""; $fields=array('spiritwear','membership','donation','campaign','satact','discount','total'); foreach ($fields as $f) { showdata($detail[$f],1); $subtotal[$f]+=$detail[$f]; } // showdata($detail['spiritwear'],1);// showdata($detail['membership'],1);// showdata($detail['donation'],1);// showdata($detail['campaign'],1);// showdata($detail['satact'],1);// showdata($detail['discount'],1);// showdata($detail['total'],1); //$grandtotal=$detail['spiritwear']+$detail['membership']+$detail['donation']+$detail['campaign']+$detail['satact']; //showdata($grandtotal,1); echo ""; } // total row echo ""; foreach ($fields as $f) { showdata($subtotal[$f],1); } echo ""; ?> Would you be able to take a look at it? Would love to buy you a beer / coffee for any assist!!! 😀"> cfv4 to cfv5 coding changes? - Forums


cfv4 to cfv5 coding changes?

mduda 06 May, 2016
Bob - I have a report that I use in cfv4, and it works great there. I can't seem to get the report to work in cfv5.

Form Input - works fine...although the calendars are black background which I'm not a fan of...but it works

Result - Data not showing

Custom code on submit
	  echo "Paypal Report: $startdate thru $enddate";
	  $db = JFactory::getDBO();
	  $query = $db->getQuery(true);   
	       $query = "SELECT 
	(select sum(p.order_product_quantity * p.order_product_price) FROM ...hikashop_order_product as p WHERE p.order_id=o.order_id 
			AND p.order_product_name not like '%Membership%'
                        AND p.order_product_name not like '%Campaign%'
                        AND p.order_product_name not like '%SAT / ACT%'
			AND p.order_product_name not like '%Donation%'
		) as spiritwear,
	(select sum(p.order_product_quantity * p.order_product_price) FROM ..._hikashop_order_product as p WHERE p.order_id=o.order_id AND p.order_product_name like '%Membership%') as membership, 
	(select sum(p.order_product_quantity * p.order_product_price) FROM ...hikashop_order_product as p WHERE p.order_id=o.order_id AND p.order_product_name like '%Donation%') as donation,

       (select sum(p.order_product_quantity * p.order_product_price) FROM ...hikashop_order_product as p WHERE p.order_id=o.order_id AND p.order_product_name like '%Campaign%') as campaign,

      (select sum(p.order_product_quantity * p.order_product_price) FROM ...hikashop_order_product as p WHERE p.order_id=o.order_id AND p.order_product_name like '%SAT / ACT%') as satact,
order_discount_price as discount,
order_full_price as total

	 FROM ...hikashop_order as o
	 WHERE o.order_status IN ('confirmed','shipped') AND o.order_payment_method='paypal' AND from_unixtime(o.order_created)>='$startdate 00:00:00' AND from_unixtime(o.order_created)<='$enddate 23:59:59'
AND exists (SELECT 1 FROM ...hikashop_history where history_reason='automatic payment notification received' and history_order_id=order_id)
	   $data = $db->loadAssocList ();
	<table class="admin list" style="border:1px solid #dddddd;padding:10px;">
	       <tr style='border:1px solid #cccccc;'>
	    <th style='padding:10px;'>Spirit Wear</th>
	    <th style='padding:10px;'>Membership</th>
	    <th style='padding:10px;'>Donation</th>
	    <th style='padding:10px;'>Sun Shade</th>
	    <th style='padding:10px;'>SAT/ACT</th>
	    <th style='padding:10px;'>Discount</th>    
	    <th style='padding:10px;'>Total</th>    
	function showdata($data,$isdollar) {
	   if (!$isdollar) {
		echo "<td style='padding:5px;'>".$data."</td>";
	   else {
		if(!($data+0)) {
	        else {
	        echo "<td style='text-align:center;padding:5px;'>".$amount."</td>";
	foreach($data as $detail) {
	   echo "<tr style='border:1px solid #cccccc;'>";
	   foreach ($fields as $f) {
//	showdata($detail['spiritwear'],1);
//	showdata($detail['membership'],1);
//	showdata($detail['donation'],1);
//	showdata($detail['campaign'],1);
//	showdata($detail['satact'],1);
//	showdata($detail['discount'],1);
//	showdata($detail['total'],1);

	echo "</tr>";
	// total row
	echo "<tr style='border:2px solid #000000;'>";
	foreach ($fields as $f) {
	echo "</tr>";

Would you be able to take a look at it? Would love to buy you a beer / coffee for any assist!!! 😀
GreyHead 06 May, 2016
Hi mduda,

I don't' see any obvious reason why the code would not work in CFv5.

By all means email or PM me the site URL, the form name, and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a look.

GreyHead 07 May, 2016
Hi mduda,

I found an extra space in this line before the (
 $data = $db->loadAssocList ();
With that removed (and the code re-formatted a bit) it appears to run without an error - though I don't actually see any data in the listing.

mduda 07 May, 2016
Thank Bob. The form ran before without errors, I just can't seem to get any data...hmmm.

Do you think it's possible that the date field on the form is not setup correctly?
mduda 07 May, 2016
Got it to work! The date picker I had on the form was set to US format! Sending a beer your way Mr. Bob! I truly appreciate your time!
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