
Joomla login error message

paocal 09 Apr, 2016
I’ve created a Joomla login form: it works fine but I would like to avoid CF error messages when a user, for instance, insert a wrong password and have only the Joomla standard error shown.
How can I achieve it?

Max_admin 11 Apr, 2016
Hi paocal,

I don't think this is possible, if you use Chronoforms as the login form then the Joomla error will not be shown.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
paocal 13 Apr, 2016
Hi Max,

when I test the chronoforms login form and insert wrong username or password I get two error messages, like in the attached image; the yellow one is the standard Joomla error, the red one is the chronoform error.
I'd like to have either the Joomla error or the chronoforms one.

I tried to override the Joomla standard login module but I get two error messages even in this case.

I could stop Joomla standard output for the login page but how can I localize the chronoforms error message?

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