
Chronoconnectivity / Chronoform

bcouvin 08 Apr, 2016

I have different listings which use the same chronoform to view/edit.
After submitting or cancel the form, i would like to return to my listing where I called the chronoform.

Until now, I use Event on click to call a javascript to return to the page I called. But this returns me to the same listing.

I tested the feature Chrono Redirect in a Submit in the form. This not works. Should I missed something to use it correctly.

Thanks for you help.
GreyHead 09 Apr, 2016
Hi Bertrand,

Sorry I don't understand exactly what you need to do,

The ChronoForms Redirect action works correctly in my experience, How do you have it configured?

Max_admin 09 Apr, 2016

If the form is called from the connection then it should return you to the same connection, no need for a redirect action, please check this FAQ:

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
bcouvin 11 Apr, 2016
Hello Bob and Max,

I do know this "Connectivity edit with Chronoforms". I used this since 2 months but only for several forms linked to one listing.
What I need is to have one form linked to several listings.

Give us an example.
I have 2 listings. On each row of the 2 listings, I linked the form MyForm to 2 listings for viewing (I used "MyForm:load" and I defined this in "Frontend list > Actions > View"). After viewing the values in MyForm, I need to come back to the listing where it is called from.
In MyForm, I can not use "Connection Action" function as I need to fill 2 values, the connection name and action. The connection name is the name of the listing, as I do not know which listing is used.

Should I missed something? How can I do this?

bcouvin 15 Apr, 2016

Is there a solution for that?

GreyHead 15 Apr, 2016
Hi Bertrand,

I'm traveling this week so can't test - can you add the listing name as a parameter to the view URL, you can capture this in the form and use it to redirect. That may require a custom link in the listing

bcouvin 18 Apr, 2016
Hello Bob,
It is a good idea to capture the ccname from the URL and redirect to the initial listing.
How can I do this?
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