label, #form-row-q2 > label, #form-row-q3 > label, #form-row-q4 > label, #form-row-q5 > label, #form-row-q6 > label, #form-row-q7 > label, #form-row-q8 > label, #form-row-q9 > label, #form-row-q10 > label, #form-row-q11 > label, #form-row-q12 > label, #form-row-q13 > label, #form-row-q14 > label, #form-row-q15 > label, #form-row-q16 > label, #form-row-q17 > label, #form-row-q18 > label, #form-row-q19 > label, #form-row-q20 > label, #form-row-q21 > label, #form-row-q22 > label, #form-row-q23 > label, #form-row-q24 > label, #form-row-q25 > label, #form-row-q26 > label, #form-row-q27 > label, #form-row-q28 > label, #form-row-q29 > label, #form-row-q30 > label, #form-row-q31 > label, #form-row-q32 > label, #form-row-q33 > label, #form-row-q34 > label, #form-row-q35 > label, #form-row-q36 > label, #form-row-q37 > label, #form-row-q38 > label, #form-row-q39 > label, #form-row-q40 > label, #form-row-q41 > label, #form-row-q42 > label, #form-row-q43 > label, #form-row-q44 > label, #form-row-q45 > label { width: 500px; max-width: 700px; !important;} Success GPS™ Evaluator The Success-GPS™ evaluates nine essential areas of life to help you discover exactly where you are now and exactly what to focus on to get where you want to go in the fastest possible way. The choices on this evaluator are presented as yes or no answers, because the reality is; we either do or we don't do. And, to be successful in life, it's essential that we take a decisive position. Indecisive fence sitters are never successful. All great results come from crystal clear choices and that is what this evaluator asks of you. There are no degrees of yes or no in the answers to the statements below. They are either true or they are not. Read each statement and choose yes or no. If you don't know for certain that the answer is yes, choose "no."" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />" type="hidden" class="form-control A" /> First Name Last Name Email Address 1. I am living true to my passion. No Yes 2. My life is interesting and energizing most of the time. No Yes 3. I spend most of my day doing exactly what I want to be doing. No Yes 4. I am self-motivated and driven to achieve my goals. No Yes 5. I have a lot of enthusiasm for the direction in which my life is headed. No Yes 6. I take full responsibility for my life and all my outcomes. No Yes 7. I actively go after what I want and often get it without ever being aggressive or unkind. No Yes 8. I don't let fear or worry stop me from doing what will get me the results I want. No Yes 9. I have the courage to make difficult choices in the interest of doing the right thing. No Yes 10. I have the self-discipline to act responsibly in all my dealings and relationships. No Yes 11. I am crystal clear on what I want down to the smallest detail. No Yes 12. I have a plan for achieving the results I want and well-defined goals to get me there. No Yes 13. I live my life by design rather than by chance. No Yes 14. I know exactly where I am headed in life and what it will take to get me there. No Yes 15. I see the life I aspire to live in with as much clarity and detail as the life I am now living. No Yes 16. I believe I will receive back exactly what I send out, and in equal measure. No Yes 17. I rarely allow the beliefs and attitudes of others to alter my moods or direction. No Yes 18. I am completely capable of getting the good things I envision for myself. No Yes 19. I expect to get good results and don't need to struggle for or against anything. No Yes 20. I don't judge others and don't fret over their judgments of me. No Yes 21. I know I can do anything I set my mind to. No Yes 22. I expect to accomplish great things. No Yes 23. I am a great combination of caring, capable, and confident. No Yes 24. I genuinely like and trust myself. No Yes 25. Every day, in every significant way, I am getting better and better. No Yes 26. I am discerning enough to know who I can trust and who to avoid so I allow myself to be open and vulnerable with others (asking for help, loving, etc.). No Yes 27. Most people want to help and cooperate in a win/win fashion rather than compete. No Yes 28. I can count on others to help me when I need help and to have my best interests at heart. No Yes 29. I am good at collaborating with others to achieve more. No Yes 30. I have excellent relationships overall. No Yes 31. There is a force greater than me that I can tap into for my benefit. No Yes 32. I trust my hunches and intuition and heed them most of the time. No Yes 33. I believe there is a generative force that actively works to ensure my well-being. No Yes 34. I can count on forces greater than I am to help me expand my potential. No Yes 35. I regularly acknowledge and express gratitude for what I have. No Yes 36. I have a clear image of myself as wealthy and completely own the image. No Yes 37. Money flows to me easily. No Yes 38. Money is good. I believe that money only makes you more of whatever you already are. No Yes 39. I have everything I need (or know I can get it) to have all the money I desire. No Yes 40. I am comfortable declaring that I deserve to be rich. No Yes 41. I make it a point to spend less than I earn and regularly place money into savings or investments so my money is working for me. No Yes 42. I am careful not to over-extend my credit and pile up credit card debt. No Yes 43. I pay my bills on time. No Yes 44. I always repay my debts. No Yes 45. I manage my money well. No Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------DEBUG LOG BELOW----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Data ArrayArray( [option] => com_chronoforms5 [chronoform] => SurveyForm [coachnum] => 56 [coachname] => Joe Criswell [coachemail] => [event] => submit [Client] => Array ( [coachnum] => 56 [coachname] => Joe Criswell [coachemail] => [firstName] => test [lastName] => test [email] => [q1] => No [q2] => No [q3] => No [q4] => No [q5] => No [s1pub] => [s1prv] => [q6] => No [q7] => No [q8] => No [q9] => No [q10] => No [s2pub] => [s2prv] => [q11] => No [q12] => No [q13] => No [q14] => No [q15] => No [s3pub] => [s3prv] => [q16] => No [q17] => No [q18] => No [q19] => No [q20] => No [s4pub] => [s4prv] => [q21] => No [q22] => No [q23] => No [q24] => No [q25] => No [s5pub] => [s5prv] => [q26] => No [q27] => No [q28] => No [q29] => No [q30] => No [s6pub] => [s6prv] => [q31] => No [q32] => No [q33] => No [q34] => No [q35] => No [s7pub] => [s7prv] => [q36] => No [q37] => No [q38] => No [q39] => No [q40] => No [s8pub] => [s8prv] => [q41] => No [q42] => No [q43] => No [q44] => No [q45] => No [s9pub] => [s9prv] => ) [button8] => Submit)Array()ErrorsArray( [0] => Please fill in all fields before submitting. [1] => Please fill in all fields before submitting."> Form validation problems - Forums


Form validation problems

MaestroC 07 Apr, 2016
I'm in over my head on this and can't figure out what is going on. We have had a nicely working CF form for the last six months.

It was working fine until recently but now even if all of the forms are filled in we get two copies of this default error of "Please fill in all fields before submitting" at the end of the validation check. They do not appear to be associated with anything else in the form. Form code and a debug log is pasted below. I really need to figure this out. and am willing to hire someone on a freelance basis to fix it. Any ideas what might be going wrong?

Raw form code is below. Debug data from a submitted form is farther down the page.

p, label {
font-family: Arial, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif;

i.fa.fa-asterisk {display:none;}

#form-row-q1 > label, #form-row-q2 > label, #form-row-q3 > label, #form-row-q4 > label, #form-row-q5 > label, #form-row-q6 > label, #form-row-q7 > label, #form-row-q8 > label, #form-row-q9 > label, #form-row-q10 > label, #form-row-q11 > label, #form-row-q12 > label, #form-row-q13 > label, #form-row-q14 > label, #form-row-q15 > label, #form-row-q16 > label, #form-row-q17 > label, #form-row-q18 > label, #form-row-q19 > label, #form-row-q20 > label, #form-row-q21 > label, #form-row-q22 > label, #form-row-q23 > label, #form-row-q24 > label, #form-row-q25 > label, #form-row-q26 > label, #form-row-q27 > label, #form-row-q28 > label, #form-row-q29 > label, #form-row-q30 > label, #form-row-q31 > label, #form-row-q32 > label, #form-row-q33 > label, #form-row-q34 > label, #form-row-q35 > label, #form-row-q36 > label, #form-row-q37 > label, #form-row-q38 > label, #form-row-q39 > label, #form-row-q40 > label, #form-row-q41 > label, #form-row-q42 > label, #form-row-q43 > label, #form-row-q44 > label, #form-row-q45 > label {
width: 500px;
max-width: 700px; !important;


<div style="margin:40px;">
<div style="clear:both;"><img width="200" src="/images/Success-GPS%20Logo-small.png" style="float:left;padding-right:25px;padding-bottom:25px;">
<h1 style="color:#16365D;">Success GPS™ Evaluator</h1>
<div style="clear:both;">
<p><strong>The Success-GPS™ evaluates nine essential areas</strong> of life to help you discover exactly where you are now and exactly what to focus on to get where you want to go in the fastest possible way.</p>
<p><strong>The choices on this evaluator are presented as yes or no answers,</strong> because the reality is; we either do or we don't do. And, to be successful in life, it's essential that we take a decisive position. Indecisive fence sitters are never successful. All great results come from crystal clear choices and that is what this evaluator asks of you. There are no degrees of yes or no in the answers to the statements below. They are either true or they are not.</p>
<p><strong>Read each statement and choose yes or no.</strong> If you don't know for certain that the answer is yes, choose "no."</p>
<input name="Client[coachnum]" id="coachnum" value="<?php echo $_GET['coachnum']; ?>" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<input name="Client[coachname]" id="coachname" value="<?php echo $_GET['coachname']; ?>" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<input name="Client[coachemail]" id="coachemail" value="<?php echo $_GET['coachemail']; ?>" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<input name=""Client[id]" id="id" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-firstName">
<label for="firstName" class="control-label gcore-label-left">First Name</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-firstName">
<input name="Client[firstName]" id="firstName" value="" placeholder="" class="validate['required'] form-control A" title="" style="" data-inputmask="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="text" />
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-lastName">
<label for="lastName" class="control-label gcore-label-left">Last Name</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-lastName">
<input name="Client[lastName]" id="lastName" value="" placeholder="" class="validate['required'] form-control A" title="" style="" data-inputmask="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="text" />
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-email">
<label for="email" class="control-label gcore-label-left">Email Address</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-email">
<input name="Client[email]" id="email" value="" placeholder="" class="validate['email'] form-control A" title="" style="" data-inputmask="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="text" />
<fieldset class="chronoform-container" id="chronoform-container-1">
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q1">
<label for="q1" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">1. I am living true to my passion.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q1">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem">

<input name="Client[q1]" id="q1" value="No" class="validate['group:3'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q1">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem1">
<input name="Client[q1]" id="q11" value="Yes" class="validate['group:3'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q11">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q2">
<label for="q2" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">2. My life is interesting and energizing most of the time.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q2">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn1">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem2">
<input name="Client[q2]" id="q2" value="No" class="validate['group:4'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q2">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem3">
<input name="Client[q2]" id="q21" value="Yes" class="validate['group:4'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q21">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q3">
<label for="q3" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">3. I spend most of my day doing exactly what I want to be doing.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q3">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn2">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem4">
<input name="Client[q3]" id="q3" value="No" class="validate['group:9'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q3">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem5">
<input name="Client[q3]" id="q31" value="Yes" class="validate['group:9'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q31">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q4">
<label for="q4" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">4. I am self-motivated and driven to achieve my goals.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q4">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn3">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem6">
<input name="Client[q4]" id="q4" value="No" class="validate['group:10'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q4">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem7">
<input name="Client[q4]" id="q41" value="Yes" class="validate['group:10'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q41">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q5">
<label for="q5" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">5. I have a lot of enthusiasm for the direction in which my life is headed.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q5">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn4">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem8">
<input name="Client[q5]" id="q5" value="No" class="validate['group:11'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q5">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem9">
<input name="Client[q5]" id="q51" value="Yes" class="validate['group:11'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q51">Yes</label>
<input name="Client[s1pub]" id="s1pub" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<input name="Client[s1prv]" id="s1prv" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<fieldset class="chronoform-container" id="chronoform-container-2">
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q6">
<label for="q6" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">6. I take full responsibility for my life and all my outcomes.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q6">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn5">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem10">
<input name="Client[q6]" id="q6" value="No" class="validate['group:5'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q6">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem11">
<input name="Client[q6]" id="q61" value="Yes" class="validate['group:5'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q61">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q7">
<label for="q7" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" style="text-indent:-1em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">7. I actively go after what I want and often get it without ever being aggressive or unkind.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q7">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn6">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem12">
<input name="Client[q7]" id="q7" value="No" class="validate['group:6'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q7">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem13">
<input name="Client[q7]" id="q71" value="Yes" class="validate['group:6'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q71">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q8">
<label for="q8" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">8. I don't let fear or worry stop me from doing what will get me the results I want.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q8">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn7">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem14">
<input name="Client[q8]" id="q8" value="No" class="validate['group:12'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q8">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem15">
<input name="Client[q8]" id="q81" value="Yes" class="validate['group:12'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q81">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q9">
<label for="q9" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">9. I have the courage to make difficult choices in the interest of doing the right thing.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q9">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn8">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem16">
<input name="Client[q9]" id="q9" value="No" class="validate['group:13'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q9">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem17">
<input name="Client[q9]" id="q91" value="Yes" class="validate['group:13'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q91">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q10">
<label for="q10" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">10. I have the self-discipline to act responsibly in all my dealings and relationships.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q10">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn9">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem18">
<input name="Client[q10]" id="q10" value="No" class="validate['group:14'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q10">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem19">
<input name="Client[q10]" id="q101" value="Yes" class="validate['group:14'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q101">Yes</label>
<input name="Client[s2pub]" id="s2pub" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<input name="Client[s2prv]" id="s2prv" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<fieldset class="chronoform-container" id="chronoform-container-15">
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q11">
<label for="q11" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">11. I am crystal clear on what I want down to the smallest detail.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q11">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn10">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem20">
<input name="Client[q11]" id="q11" value="No" class="validate['group:18'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q11">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem21">
<input name="Client[q11]" id="q111" value="Yes" class="validate['group:18'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q111">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q12">
<label for="q12" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">12. I have a plan for achieving the results I want and well-defined goals to get me there.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q12">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn11">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem22">
<input name="Client[q12]" id="q12" value="No" class="validate['group:19'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q12">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem23">
<input name="Client[q12]" id="q121" value="Yes" class="validate['group:19'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q121">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q13">
<label for="q13" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">13. I live my life by design rather than by chance.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q13">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn12">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem24">
<input name="Client[q13]" id="q13" value="No" class="validate['group:20'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q13">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem25">
<input name="Client[q13]" id="q131" value="Yes" class="validate['group:20'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q131">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q14">
<label for="q14" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">14. I know exactly where I am headed in life and what it will take to get me there.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q14">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn13">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem26">
<input name="Client[q14]" id="q14" value="No" class="validate['group:21'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q14">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem27">
<input name="Client[q14]" id="q141" value="Yes" class="validate['group:21'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q141">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q15">
<label for="q15" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">15. I see the life I aspire to live in with as much clarity and detail as the life I am now living.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q15">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn14">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem28">
<input name="Client[q15]" id="q15" value="No" class="validate['group:22'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q15">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem29">
<input name="Client[q15]" id="q151" value="Yes" class="validate['group:22'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q151">Yes</label>
<input name="Client[s3pub]" id="s3pub" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<input name="Client[s3prv]" id="s3prv" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<fieldset class="chronoform-container" id="chronoform-container-16">
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q16">
<label for="q16" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">16. I believe I will receive back exactly what I send out, and in equal measure.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q16">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn15">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem30">
<input name="Client[q16]" id="q16" value="No" class="validate['group:23'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q16">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem31">
<input name="Client[q16]" id="q161" value="Yes" class="validate['group:23'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q161">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q17">
<label for="q17" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">17. I rarely allow the beliefs and attitudes of others to alter my moods or direction.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q17">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn16">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem32">
<input name="Client[q17]" id="q17" value="No" class="validate['group:24'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q17">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem33">
<input name="Client[q17]" id="q171" value="Yes" class="validate['group:24'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q171">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q18">
<label for="q18" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">18. I am completely capable of getting the good things I envision for myself.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q18">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn17">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem34">
<input name="Client[q18]" id="q18" value="No" class="validate['group:25'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q18">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem35">
<input name="Client[q18]" id="q181" value="Yes" class="validate['group:25'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q181">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q19">
<label for="q19" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">19. I expect to get good results and don't need to struggle for or against anything.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q19">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn18">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem36">
<input name="Client[q19]" id="q19" value="No" class="validate['group:26'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q19">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem37">
<input name="Client[q19]" id="q191" value="Yes" class="validate['group:26'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q191">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q20">
<label for="q20" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">20. I don't judge others and don't fret over their judgments of me.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q20">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn19">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem38">
<input name="Client[q20]" id="q20" value="No" class="validate['group:27'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q20">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem39">
<input name="Client[q20]" id="q201" value="Yes" class="validate['group:27'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q201">Yes</label>
<input name="Client[s4pub]" id="s4pub" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<input name="Client[s4prv]" id="s4prv" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<fieldset class="chronoform-container" id="chronoform-container-17">
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q21">
<label for="q21" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">21. I know I can do anything I set my mind to.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q21">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn20">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem40">
<input name="Client[q21]" id="q21" value="No" class="validate['group:28'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q21">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem41">
<input name="Client[q21]" id="q211" value="Yes" class="validate['group:28'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q211">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q22">
<label for="q22" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">22. I expect to accomplish great things.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q22">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn21">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem42">
<input name="Client[q22]" id="q22" value="No" class="validate['group:29'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q22">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem43">
<input name="Client[q22]" id="q221" value="Yes" class="validate['group:29'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q221">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q23">
<label for="q23" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">23. I am a great combination of caring, capable, and confident.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q23">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn22">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem44">
<input name="Client[q23]" id="q23" value="No" class="validate['group:30'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q23">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem45">
<input name="Client[q23]" id="q231" value="Yes" class="validate['group:30'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q231">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q24">
<label for="q24" style="text-indent:-1.5em;"class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">24. I genuinely like and trust myself.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q24">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn23">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem46">
<input name="Client[q24]" id="q24" value="No" class="validate['group:31'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q24">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem47">
<input name="Client[q24]" id="q241" value="Yes" class="validate['group:31'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q241">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q25">
<label for="q25" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">25. Every day, in every significant way, I am getting better and better.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q25">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn24">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem48">
<input name="Client[q25]" id="q25" value="No" class="validate['group:32'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q25">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem49">
<input name="Client[q25]" id="q251" value="Yes" class="validate['group:32'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q251">Yes</label>
<input name="Client[s5pub]" id="s5pub" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<input name="Client[s5prv]" id="s5prv" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<fieldset class="chronoform-container" id="chronoform-container-33">
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q26">
<label for="q26" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">26. I am discerning enough to know who I can trust and who to avoid so I allow myself to be open and vulnerable with others (asking for help, loving, etc.).</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q26">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn25">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem50">
<input name="Client[q26]" id="q26" value="No" class="validate['group:37'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q26">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem51">
<input name="Client[q26]" id="q261" value="Yes" class="validate['group:37'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q261">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q27">
<label for="q27" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">27. Most people want to help and cooperate in a win/win fashion rather than compete.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q27">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn26">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem52">
<input name="Client[q27]" id="q27" value="No" class="validate['group:38'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q27">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem53">
<input name="Client[q27]" id="q271" value="Yes" class="validate['group:38'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q271">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q28">
<label for="q28" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">28. I can count on others to help me when I need help and to have my best interests at heart.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q28">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn27">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem54">
<input name="Client[q28]" id="q28" value="No" class="validate['group:39'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q28">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem55">
<input name="Client[q28]" id="q281" value="Yes" class="validate['group:39'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q281">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q29">
<label for="q29" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">29. I am good at collaborating with others to achieve more.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q29">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn28">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem56">
<input name="Client[q29]" id="q29" value="No" class="validate['group:40'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q29">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem57">
<input name="Client[q29]" id="q291" value="Yes" class="validate['group:40'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q291">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q30">
<label for="q30" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">30. I have excellent relationships overall.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q30">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn29">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem58">
<input name="Client[q30]" id="q30" value="No" class="validate['group:41'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q30">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem59">
<input name="Client[q30]" id="q301" value="Yes" class="validate['group:41'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q301">Yes</label>
<input name="Client[s6pub]" id="s6pub" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<input name="Client[s6prv]" id="s6prv" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<fieldset class="chronoform-container" id="chronoform-container-35">
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q31">
<label for="q31" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">31. There is a force greater than me that I can tap into for my benefit.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q31">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn30">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem60">
<input name="Client[q31]" id="q31" value="No" class="validate['group:42'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q31">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem61">
<input name="Client[q31]" id="q311" value="Yes" class="validate['group:42'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q311">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q32">
<label for="q32" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">32. I trust my hunches and intuition and heed them most of the time.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q32">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn31">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem62">
<input name="Client[q32]" id="q32" value="No" class="validate['group:43'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q32">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem63">
<input name="Client[q32]" id="q321" value="Yes" class="validate['group:43'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q321">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q33">
<label for="q33" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">33. I believe there is a generative force that actively works to ensure my well-being.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q33">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn32">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem64">
<input name="Client[q33]" id="q33" value="No" class="validate['group:44'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q33">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem65">
<input name="Client[q33]" id="q331" value="Yes" class="validate['group:44'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q331">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q34">
<label for="q34" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">34. I can count on forces greater than I am to help me expand my potential.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q34">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn33">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem66">
<input name="Client[q34]" id="q34" value="No" class="validate['group:45'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q34">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem67">
<input name="Client[q34]" id="q341" value="Yes" class="validate['group:45'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q341">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q35">
<label for="q35" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">35. I regularly acknowledge and express gratitude for what I have.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q35">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn34">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem68">
<input name="Client[q35]" id="q35" value="No" class="validate['group:46'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q35">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem69">
<input name="Client[q35]" id="q351" value="Yes" class="validate['group:46'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q351">Yes</label>
<input name="Client[s7pub]" id="s7pub" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<input name="Client[s7prv]" id="s7prv" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<fieldset class="chronoform-container" id="chronoform-container-36">
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q36">
<label for="q36" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">36. I have a clear image of myself as wealthy and completely own the image.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q36">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn35">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem70">
<input name="Client[q36]" id="q36" value="No" class="validate['group:47'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q36">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem71">
<input name="Client[q36]" id="q361" value="Yes" class="validate['group:47'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q361">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q37">
<label for="q37" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">37. Money flows to me easily.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q37">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn36">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem72">
<input name="Client[q37]" id="q37" value="No" class="validate['group:48'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q37">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem73">
<input name="Client[q37]" id="q371" value="Yes" class="validate['group:48'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q371">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q38">
<label for="q38" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">38. Money is good. I believe that money only makes you more of whatever you already are.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q38">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn37">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem74">
<input name="Client[q38]" id="q38" value="No" class="validate['group:49'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q38">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem75">
<input name="Client[q38]" id="q381" value="Yes" class="validate['group:49'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q381">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q39">
<label for="q39" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">39. I have everything I need (or know I can get it) to have all the money I desire.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q39">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn38">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem76">
<input name="Client[q39]" id="q39" value="No" class="validate['group:50'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q39">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem77">
<input name="Client[q39]" id="q391" value="Yes" class="validate['group:50'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q391">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q40">
<label for="q40" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">40. I am comfortable declaring that I deserve to be rich.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q40">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn39">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem78">
<input name="Client[q40]" id="q40" value="No" class="validate['group:51'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q40">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem79">
<input name="Client[q40]" id="q401" value="Yes" class="validate['group:51'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q401">Yes</label>
<input name="Client[s8pub]" id="s8pub" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<input name="Client[s8prv]" id="s8prv" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<fieldset class="chronoform-container" id="chronoform-container-52">
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q41">
<label for="q41" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">41. I make it a point to spend less than I earn and regularly place money into savings or investments so my money is working for me.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q41">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn40">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem80">
<input name="Client[q41]" id="q41" value="No" class="validate['group:53'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q41">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem81">
<input name="Client[q41]" id="q411" value="Yes" class="validate['group:53'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q411">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q42">
<label for="q42" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">42. I am careful not to over-extend my credit and pile up credit card debt.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q42">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn41">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem82">
<input name="Client[q42]" id="q42" value="No" class="validate['group:54'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q42">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem83">
<input name="Client[q42]" id="q421" value="Yes" class="validate['group:54'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q421">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q43">
<label for="q43" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">43. I pay my bills on time.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q43">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn42">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem84">
<input name="Client[q43]" id="q43" value="No" class="validate['group:55'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q43">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem85">
<input name="Client[q43]" id="q431" value="Yes" class="validate['group:55'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q431">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q44">
<label for="q44" style="text-indent:-1.5em;"class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">44. I always repay my debts.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q44">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn43">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem86">
<input name="Client[q44]" id="q44" value="No" class="validate['group:56'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q44">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem87">
<input name="Client[q44]" id="q441" value="Yes" class="validate['group:56'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q441">Yes</label>
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-q45">
<label for="q45" style="text-indent:-1.5em;" class="control-label gcore-label-left gcore-label-checkbox">45. I manage my money well.</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-q45">
<div class="gcore-multiple-column" id="fclmn44">
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem88">
<input name="Client[q45]" id="q45" value="No" class="validate['group:57'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q45">No</label>
<div class="gcore-radio-item" id="fitem89">
<input name="Client[q45]" id="q451" value="Yes" class="validate['group:57'] A" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="radio" />
<label class="control-label gcore-label-checkbox" for="q451">Yes</label>
<input name="Client[s9pub]" id="s9pub" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<input name="Client[s9prv]" id="s9prv" value="" type="hidden" class="form-control A" />
<div class="form-group gcore-form-row" id="form-row-button8">
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-button8">
<input name="button8" id="button8" type="submit" value="Submit" class="btn btn-default form-control A" style="" data-load-state="" />

Data Array
[option] => com_chronoforms5
[chronoform] => SurveyForm
[coachnum] => 56
[coachname] => Joe Criswell
[coachemail] =>
[event] => submit
[Client] => Array
[coachnum] => 56
[coachname] => Joe Criswell
[coachemail] =>
[firstName] => test
[lastName] => test
[email] =>
[q1] => No
[q2] => No
[q3] => No
[q4] => No
[q5] => No
[s1pub] =>
[s1prv] =>
[q6] => No
[q7] => No
[q8] => No
[q9] => No
[q10] => No
[s2pub] =>
[s2prv] =>
[q11] => No
[q12] => No
[q13] => No
[q14] => No
[q15] => No
[s3pub] =>
[s3prv] =>
[q16] => No
[q17] => No
[q18] => No
[q19] => No
[q20] => No
[s4pub] =>
[s4prv] =>
[q21] => No
[q22] => No
[q23] => No
[q24] => No
[q25] => No
[s5pub] =>
[s5prv] =>
[q26] => No
[q27] => No
[q28] => No
[q29] => No
[q30] => No
[s6pub] =>
[s6prv] =>
[q31] => No
[q32] => No
[q33] => No
[q34] => No
[q35] => No
[s7pub] =>
[s7prv] =>
[q36] => No
[q37] => No
[q38] => No
[q39] => No
[q40] => No
[s8pub] =>
[s8prv] =>
[q41] => No
[q42] => No
[q43] => No
[q44] => No
[q45] => No
[s9pub] =>
[s9prv] =>

[button8] => Submit
[0] => Please fill in all fields before submitting.
[1] => Please fill in all fields before submitting.
MaestroC 08 Apr, 2016
Disregard this whole thing... As usual about thirty minutes after posting it I figured out the problem. In the end it was something as basic as a misconfigured menu link that was screwing everything up.
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