
My form doesn't work... can't find the issue...

Chigolo69 31 Mar, 2016

I have an issue, my form doesn't work, can't find the error...
Please see:

By clicking on submit the page is loading again, I also have a problem to see the recaptacha in german language. Also emails don't arrive.

The backend settings are looking like this:

Would be glad to get some help!
Chigolo69 31 Mar, 2016
Working!! Thx, great support!

I have two more questions, where can I change the language of the nocaptcha to german ? I've tried it with this but it didn't work.

And second thing: How can I send an attachment with the customer mail?
GreyHead 31 Mar, 2016
Hi Chigolo69,

Please try setting your browser language to German - Google picks up the setting from there.

Chigolo69 31 Mar, 2016
Hmm, I'm wondering, the issue is in all of my three browser (IE, Mozilla and Chrome). I'm from Germany and I'm using the german language in the browsers.
GreyHead 02 Apr, 2016
Hi Chigolo69,

The Google docs say "Auto-detects the user's language if unspecified." but not how that auto-detection works.

You can force a language for your site with a small hack. Edit the file /administrator/components/com_chronoforms5/chronoforms/actions/load_nocaptcha/load_nocaptcha.php and look for this line about line 23:

Edit this to add ?hl=xx where xx is a language code from the Google docs here. e.g.

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