
Using Curl action with GSheet Save action??

luxhodge 02 Mar, 2016
Question on saving contact form info to salesforce: my contact form saves the data to a database and to a google docs sheet when submitted. Now I want to add a save to our salesforce DB. Is that possible? I have used the curl action before to save data successfully to salesforce. However, this data is in a Gsheet array because of the google docs sheet save action. Would I need to use the [GH] custom curl action for this? I tried to find the download for that action, but the downloads page on is not coming up any longer. I tried using some php to copy the form Gsheet values into the normal form array, but it did not work. The form is a single page, so maybe I can't copy the form values from the session before the rest of the actions run. I will keep trying.

This is the forum post I referenced for the salesforce data write:

Has anyone tried this before and if they have, what did you use?

Thanks in advance for any help/advice anyone can give me.

luxhodge 02 Mar, 2016
I solved my own problem here. I added a custom code action right before the CURL action to grab the values from the Gsheet array in the session and put them into a standard $form->data array. Here is what it looks like:

$form->data['oid'] = '00xxxxxxxxxxx';
$form->data['retURL'] = '';
$form->data['debug'] = '0'; // change to 1 to enable debugging
$form->data['debugEmail'] = '';

My mistake was that I had single quotes around the Gsheet and firstName, etc. names in the array assignment. The write to Salesforce works great once I fixed that problem.
GreyHead 02 Mar, 2016
Hi Erik,

I haven't tested but I think that you can use the 'dot' syntax in the cURL action e.g. param=Gsheet.firstName - but your method is fine.


PS Sorry about the site - it has got some serious problems with SEF URLs that I've failed to solve. All the content is there - just not accessible. If you need anything, you can PM me to ask for a link.
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