
Search engine

Horus 09 Feb, 2016
I my novice with chronoconnectivity V5.

I want to make a search engine in a table with it.
I make the connection but I'm lost with admin list and front list.

Can you help me ?
GreyHead 09 Feb, 2016
Hi Horus,

The Admin List lets you show a listing in the Site Admin, the Front view shows it in the front-end of the site.

Horus 09 Feb, 2016
Hi Bob

Yes I understand that I display a little form for the search but didn't understand how to make the search when I need to select the field of the table.

Did you have an example ?
Horus 09 Feb, 2016
Hi Bob

I specify my question, I want to use chronoconnectivity (or chronoengine I use it also) I want to make a search in a external database. i configure the connexion to the external database but I didn't any idea about the rest how to select the data in the table...

I hope it's more clear
thanks Bob
GreyHead 09 Feb, 2016
Hi Horus,

Please see this FAQ that should get you started.

Horus 11 Feb, 2016
Hi Bob

I follow the FAQ and I try to make the same things with adaptation but I have a question the connexion is ok the form for the search is display but for the result I do have nothing. When i specify the field of the result ?

Thanks Bob for your Help
GreyHead 11 Feb, 2016
Hi Horus,

Please turn on the CC Debugger and post a link to your listing.

Horus 11 Feb, 2016
Hi Bob

[0] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS `Test.count` FROM `table` AS `Test`
[1] => SELECT `Test`.`id` AS ``, `Test`.`Numpolice` AS `Test.Numpolice`, `Test`.`Commentaire` AS `Test.Commentaire`, `Test`.`Nom` AS `Test.Nom` FROM `table` AS `Test` LIMIT 30

Thanks Bob
GreyHead 11 Feb, 2016
Hi Horus,

Do you really have a table called 'table' ?

Please post a link to the listing so I can take a quick look.

Horus 11 Feb, 2016
Hi Bob

No the name of the table is

This is private content

I send you in pm a picture of the table you're agree ?

GreyHead 12 Feb, 2016
Hi Horus,

Yes, please do - or add it here in 'private' tags.

Horus 12 Feb, 2016
Hi Bob

this is the picture of the table

This is private content

I hope you can help me
GreyHead 13 Feb, 2016
Hi Horus,

The table looks as though it matches the query you posted - apart from the table name.

I'm no longer sure what the problem is?

Horus 13 Feb, 2016
Hi Bob

I'm not sure too

The resultat of the research are not display

I will try again
Maybe I need your help again

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