So I've read regarding this issue, but I'm not entirely sure that the suggestions made fit my issue entirely.
You see I have two forms. Set up practically identical to each other. Both are using the same 'toUser' and 'toAdmin' settings for both the 'From' and 'To' emails.
The problem is that on Form One, both User and Admin will receive the emails quickly. One Form Two, only the User will receive the email and not the Admin.
So how is it that with two forms, identical to each other in setup don't work the same?
You see I have two forms. Set up practically identical to each other. Both are using the same 'toUser' and 'toAdmin' settings for both the 'From' and 'To' emails.
The problem is that on Form One, both User and Admin will receive the emails quickly. One Form Two, only the User will receive the email and not the Admin.
So how is it that with two forms, identical to each other in setup don't work the same?