
Paypal Pro Trial Sandbox gives error

angiras 29 Jan, 2016
I am trying to set up and test the paypal pro trial on a site I'm working on, and I'm having some trouble. I can't seem to find much info about how to use the plugin ... but I tried two different approaches and got the same result.

1. First I set up the paypal pro trial without the listener ... I just put it in my 'on submit' event and filled in all the fields ...

When I tried to use it I got this response back from Paypal Pro Trial Debugger:

The PayPal API has returned an error!
Error Number:
Error Message:

And in the Chronoforms Debugger :

[paypal_pro] => Array
[transaction_id] =>
[error_message] =>
[error_code] =>
[correlation_id] =>
[avs_code] =>
[payment_status] =>

So, at that point I went back and tried to figure out what I did wrong. Without a specific tutorial for setting up paypapl pro, I tried using the CFv4 Paypal Redirect tutorial and tried to adapt it for CFv5 and Paypal Pro.

The result was the same.

I've looked through the forums here and then even went to google and looked for this issue in general with no results. I assume that I either have something set up wrong in the chronforms plugin ... or I have something set up wrong in my sandbox account ... but either way, I'm at my wits end about what that could be!

Any help would be great ... I'm happy to do the leg work ... I just need a push in the right direction. Even something as simple as a suggestion for what keywords to use on google might help. Right now I've been looking for "Paypal Pro Sandbox Empty Error Message" or "Paypal Pro Sandbox Empty Response Array" ... but mostly it seems to give me people talking about woocommerce issues that have nothing to do with this issue.

GreyHead 30 Jan, 2016
Hi angiras,

What do you need to do?

How do you have the action set up?

Do you have a PayPal Pro SandBox account to test with?

angiras 03 Feb, 2016
Thanks for the help.

Yes. I have a sandbox account.

When I set up the paypal_pro_trial action ... i input my sandbox API credentials into the correct fields
(api username, api password, api signature) and 'sandbox mode' switched to 'yes'.

I also have all the correct fields in my form and have input their names into the paypal_pro_trial action setup's corresponding field.

I also have 'debug' on.

I have the 'use proxy' set to no.

I currently do not have any "extra params" set up.

The action is in my 'on submit' event.

I am not currently utilizing the 'paypal listener' action.

However, I have also tried to set it up utilizing the paypal listener action set up as per the paypal standard demo that is in CCv5 ... in that case, I replaced the 'paypal redirect' action with the 'paypal pro trial' action ... however, my paypal pro action had all the same settings as above. The only difference was that I set up the listener in the 'on ipn' event.

In both cases I get the same empty response from paypal.

I'm not sure if it helps ... but I get the exact same empty response from paypal if I do not put my sandbox api credentials in.
angiras 03 Feb, 2016
I forgot the answer of "what am I trying to do" ... its a simple donation form that allows users to submit their donation through a credit card transaction in the form (as opposed to paypal standard).

There will also be a form that allows users to register for an event and pay their registration fee the same way.

I have built several other similar forms for other clients in the past, but they all used the payment action. Those all went off without a problem. This is the first time I'm trying to use the paypal pro action.
GreyHead 04 Feb, 2016
Hi angiras,

Please see this FAQ - it was written by Max for CFv4 but CFv5 is very similar. You will need a Listener set up to receive and confirm the IPN hand-shake if you are doing anything other than redirecting the user to PayPal.

angiras 04 Feb, 2016

As mentioned in my initial post, I tried following that FAQ already and it gives me the same result.

I get this response from the paypal pro action debug:
The PayPal API has returned an error!

Error Number:
Error Message:


With the listener setup, I do not get anything from the listener 'test' email that the CFv4 Tutorial suggests setting up to test if the listener is working. So, I'm assuming its not firing.
angiras 04 Feb, 2016
Here is a potential question for you ... does the Paypal Pro Trial Action only work if I have a SSL certificate ... even in sandbox mode?

I don't do development on a server with SSL ... and when I looked up paypal pro's API it said you don't need SSL for sandbox ... but it never occured to me that maybe CHRONOFORMS does ... ?
GreyHead 04 Feb, 2016
Hi angiras,

ChronoForms doesn't require an SSL certificate . . . BUT I have been looking at PayPal for a similar question in another thread and it looks as if they are changing the security requirements. It's all a bit over my head but I will try to work out how they impact the CF actions as soon as I can.

What I got in the other thread were authorisation error messages when I check what was being returned from the cURL query in the Listener action.


PS FWIW I have used the Lionite PayPal library with ChronoForms successfully in the past.
angiras 10 Mar, 2016
Just so you know ... it appears that this problem is only with the sandbox version of Paypal Pro. I ended up developing my application on the live version of Paypal Pro and the action worked just fine. Also, I've found that sandbox doesn't work on Paypal Pro for Hikashop either. On their forums there were talking about it has to do with some issue with CURL and how thats been changing for the sandbox.

So its good to know the paypal pro plugin works ... but it would have made my life easier if I could have used done my development in the sandbox.
GreyHead 10 Mar, 2016
Hi angiras,

The SandBox changed in the last few weeks to use the new authorisation requirements that will be introduced across PayPal by 30 Sep 2016.

I am far from clear on what changes are needed but the minimum is that you respond to the IPN request using https and not http. The PayPal Listener and PayPal Pro actions already do that as far as I can see from the code.

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