I'm trying to save all the information from 1 form into more than 1 table from same database.
All the information is saved correctly to the first table.
But the second "DB SAVE" action didnt save into the other table. In the debugger I see a "update" sql to the same table.
¿How can I save this information into more than 1 tables? (I need save all the info to 7 different tables).
Here you are my setup form:
- First DB SAVE use this table: #CCT-DBCompleta
- Second DB SAVE should use this one: #CCT-DBCompleta_duplicado
Here you are my debug info:
As you can see, first DV save adds a "INSERT INTO", but the second DB SAVE only adds an "UPDATE" to the same table.
[9] => Array
[DB Save] => Array
[Queries] => Array
[0] => INSERT INTO `#CCT-DBCompleta` (`p101inombre`, `p101iapellidos`, `p101inch`, `p101ifechanac`, `p101iedad`, `p101dhospital`, `p101dfechaingreso`, `p101dpeso`, `p101dtalla`, `p101dimc`, `user_id`, `uniq_id`, `created`) values ('Duplicado', 'Duplicado', 'Duplicado', '21-01-2016', 'Duplicado', 'Duplicado', '25-01-2016', 'Duplicado', 'Duplicado', 'Duplicado', '286', '65c1506d933901f2aa08101bb9a8a904c31f731c', '2016-01-28 03:09:09');
[10] => Array
[DB Save] => Array
[Queries] => Array
[0] => UPDATE `#CCT-DBCompleta` AS `Data` SET `p101inombre` = 'Duplicado', `p101iapellidos` = 'Duplicado', `p101inch` = 'Duplicado', `p101ifechanac` = '21-01-2016', `p101iedad` = 'Duplicado', `p101dhospital` = 'Duplicado', `p101dfechaingreso` = '25-01-2016', `p101dpeso` = 'Duplicado', `p101dtalla` = 'Duplicado', `p101dimc` = 'Duplicado', `user_id` = '286', `modified` = '2016-01-28 03:09:09' WHERE `id` = '4';