
How to get Replay

Stefan49 23 Jan, 2016
I try to explain:
i maked some Forms, the are all very well - if the Sender fill in the forms and send, the are all in the Receivers inbox.
Now to my Problem:
This Email-Adress has loaded a replay to all senders: "my home is closed from ... to ..."
No Problem with the Joomla own contakt-form, the Sender get the information re "my home ....."
But not so, when the Sender use the Chronoforms-Form .... the sendet get no replay
what can i do .... ? thanks a lot for advice
GreyHead 24 Jan, 2016
HI Stefan,

You can send an email to the User using the Dynamic To Email box on the Advanced tab of the Email action. Put the name of the email input there with no quotes or brackets.

Stefan49 24 Jan, 2016
hi Bob and thanks for tips, but it does not work, i dont why ...

Now under "basic" enabled = yes, to: mailadress, from email: mailadress
"Advanced" Dynamic to: mailadress
thats all???

thank u
Stefan49 24 Jan, 2016
Bob, now i try this attempt:
under "Advanced" "Dynamic to" i put the fieldname from Email, in my case "text6" in this box.
Now the mails comes to the owner and me (sender) but i want not the mail, want just the respond form the owner ....
What do i wrong ?
GreyHead 24 Jan, 2016
Hi Stefan,

I'm sorry I don't understand what you want to send and who it needs to go to?

When you say "want just the respond form the owner ...." who is the owner and what response do you expect?

Stefan49 24 Jan, 2016
Hi Bob
sorry, i try to explain (English is not my strength ....)
Well on a website i build, there ist an email ""
For this website i made a form with Chronoforms V5, and the result is going to this email (info@.....)
well no problem, the content is transmitted correct to this E Mail.
Whenever a message arrives, this email ( than a message goes back to the sender:
"my office is closed ........til ...." (this is installed by the webprovider email-settings)
not so, when the message are from the Forms build with chronoforms ....
do you understand what I mean Bob?
But when i try the same Situation with the Joomla-Contact-Form, there is no problem,
the message arrive the receiver ( and the sender get back the message: "my office is closed ..."
There is also no problem, when i send an Email with Outlook, the receiver get the mail, and the sender get back
the responder-text.
Sorry about my bad english ..
GreyHead 24 Jan, 2016
Hi Stefan,

I've no idea. This is a setting in your mail service, nothing directly to do with ChronoForms. Maybe the From email address you are using is different??

Stefan49 25 Jan, 2016
Thank you Bob for your help ...
maybe i ask this situation in german Joomla-Forums..

GreyHead 25 Jan, 2016
Hi Stefan,

By all means - but it probably isn't a Joomla! problem.

Stefan49 25 Jan, 2016
Hi Bob,
yes, but why work it's well with the Joomla-Contactform? there is also a field name "email" (sender) ....
now i am at the end of my knowledge :-)

Stefan49 26 Jan, 2016
Hi Bop
i want inform you:
With help of Swiss-Joomla-Forum i could solve the problem:

"Advanced" ----> "Dynamic from email" insert the filename: "text6"
and now i get the autoresponder-text ..... well done :-)

greetings from swiss
GreyHead 27 Jan, 2016
Hi Stefan49,

I strongly recommend that you do *not* use the Dynamic From Email element in your Email Setups. Using this often results in your emails being marked as spam and dropped into a spam filter. Instead use the static From Email with an address that matches the site domain name and use Dynamic ReplyTo Email for the user email. The result is the same but with a much better chance of good delivery.

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