
Bug: Multiplier Fields (Layout)

fibernet 06 Dec, 2015
Hallo @all

I have a big Problem:

I have a form with a multiplier container. So far not good :-( each additional field is wider or longer, I do not know why. I have tried a new installation, no plugins, only joomla and ChronoForms, the same result. can you help me please, this multiplier form is absolutely necessary.
fibernet 06 Dec, 2015
Attached a backup from a test file....same result, all additional dropdown fields going longer. Only multiplier container an html render more. i think, this is a problem with the newest browser......
fibernet 06 Dec, 2015
This is the result after 12 events:

<textarea name="textarea5" id="textarea5" placeholder="" rows="3" cols="411" class="form-control A" title="" style="" data-wysiwyg="11" data-load-state="" data-tooltip=""></textarea>

GreyHead 06 Dec, 2015
Hi fibernet,

In the Multiplier Container, Multiplier settings you have the Replacer set to 0

The Multiplier works by using simple search and replace so every 0 in the HTML is being replaced with 1, 2, . . .

The help text there suggests that you use __N__ that way there are unlikely to be any other __N__ strings apart from the ones that you have added in the Multiplier Contents.


Personally I prefer ##N## but any distinct string works OK.
fibernet 06 Dec, 2015
Hi Bob ..... hmmm small cause, big effect. I had a doubt on my mind :-D
Thank you verry much, without your help I would have likely a problem.......
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