
Posting Secure Data to Dbase and Retrieved by Login

toad 04 Dec, 2015
I've created a rather lengthy form and we have repeating users coming in a filling out the data on the form. What I'd like to do is the following and can use some direction on how to accomplish this:

Have all data (even sensitive data) post to the database and emailed. We need a way to have this data not only emailed securely but to have the sensitive data (i.e., credit card/insurance info.) encrypted when posting to the database. This form would automatically be like a 'user registration' form, so we need the ability to have them use a 'log in' that would allow them to log in and the form automatically fill in the data so they would not have to always fill it out.

GreyHead 04 Dec, 2015
Hi toad,

+ I strongly recommend that you do not save sensitive information to a standard Joomla! database.
+ And I claim no expertise in data encryption so please double check with someone who does.
+ And you must use SSL on the site.

That said, you can encrypt the data using any of the PHP (or MySQL) encryption methods. There will need to be some kind of encryption 'key' for that - please save that somewhere else.

To recover the data you need to be able to identify the user - I'd suggest that you implement OAuth for the Joomla! login to help security a bit more. Then you need to read and decrypt the relevant data.

If at all possible do not re-load cc data - just the last 4 digits, . . .

toad 11 Dec, 2015
Let's say no sensitive data needs to be posted but there is some information that does need to be posted to the database/retrieved to a form. Would Chronoforms Connectivity help with the data posting/retrieve using a login and posting the data in a form?

First time user uses

This is private content

(created in Chronoforms) as a registration form (will add username/password textboxes eventually). This data gets posted to the database. Can only selected text boxes be posted in the database?

Returning user who's filled out this form before can log in using a different form and then be rerouted to the above link with most of their data posted in the fields. Can ChronoConnectivity do this? Or what would be your recommendation?
GreyHead 12 Dec, 2015
Hi toad,

With a few exceptions - ChronoConnectivity handles lists of records, ChronoForms handles single records.

So yes, you could use a ChronoForm to re-load the data from a previous submission and make it editable.

I think that you need to sort out the logic of the session selectors I think that both selectors need to be a radio buttons so that the user can select only one option in each bar and if they select e.g. None, then the other selections are removed. Once you do this the task of saving the data will be much simpler.

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