

inshin 30 Nov, 2015
Hello from Hamburg, Germany,
I've spent now already 24 hours with test and search in the forum. Unfortunately, I'm stuck in my project. I try to synchronize a query and a calendar. With loadposition I tried everything with no success, I have no idea or experience.
Requirement: Input a selection (House 1,2,3, n) and then switch to another page where the corresponding calendar (calendar 1,2,3, n) is loaded (loadposition) and the inputs to continue.
Maybe there are other ideas, I'm open to anything

I would be very happy about help. thx Tom
Joomla 3.4.5
ChronoForms last Version 5.0.10

Hallo aus Hamburg, Germany,
ich habe nun bereits 24 Stunden mit Test und Suche in dem Forum verbracht. Leider komme ich nicht weiter in meinem Projekt. Ich versuche eine Abfrage und einen Kalender zu synchronisieren. Mit loadposition habe ich alles versucht, leider ohne Erfolg, mir fehlen die Ideen oder die Erfahrung.
Anforderung: Input einer Auswahl (Haus 1,2,3,n) und danach auf eine andere Seite wechseln wo der entsprechende Kalender (Kalender 1,2,3,n) geladen wird (über loadposition) und die Abfragen weiter geht.
Vielleich gibt es auch noch andere Ideen, ich bin für alles offen.

Ich würde mich sehr über Hilfe freuen. thx Tom
Joomla 3.4.5
ChronoForms last Version 5.0.10
GreyHead 01 Dec, 2015
Hi Tom,

I have read this twice and I have no idea what you are trying to do here :-(

+ Why are you using loadposition?

+ Is the calendar in a ChronoForm or some other component?

+ What are (Haus 1,2,3,n) and (Kalendar 1,2,3,n) - I don't' see anything like that in the image?

inshin 01 Dec, 2015
Sorry, our island was cut off from the world.
Hey Bob,
I feared that, hat's really hard to explain.

House (1,2,3 etc.) is the choice of an new ChronoForms
Calendar is an separate component with the posting dates of the apartment (Calendar 1,2,3 etc.)

Customer wants to rent a house.
Customer is looking for house or finca via a selection menu.
The availability of the house are displayed (Calendar, Joomla component).
Customer enters other required data.
(Every house has its own calendar with the availability)

The aim is:
I want to provide the customer a view of availability while booking.

inshin 02 Dec, 2015
Hey Bob,
I hope I could explain it better?
GreyHead 02 Dec, 2015
Hi inshin,

If the Calendar component will work in a Joomla! Content plug-in then you should be able to show it in a ChronoForm by adding the Joomla! Plug-ins action to the form On Load event and then putting the plug-in code in a Custom Code element in the Designer tab.

I'm afraid that I have no idea how you pass the data between the two - are there docs for the calendar that help?

inshin 02 Dec, 2015
Hey Bob,
thx for answer.

The Calender App is "Booking Calendar for Joomla"
But I think the problem will be to hand over the check box Infos of ChronoForms to the Calender.

I think I'll have to solve it differently.
A K2 Item with all the houses and a link to the book for every home
Each house will have its own K2 item and in it I will first load the module Calender then I invite the Chronoform Modul

Is not as fancy, but it should work.

inshin 14 Dec, 2015
all done, thanks for the ideas and help !
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