
send email to user from form called with CCv5

ramakunga 23 Nov, 2015
How do i send and email to a user from a form that is called from CCv5


User displays list generated by CCv5 and can edit the Status (it is set to 'Awaiting Approval')

This is done by a form load action in CCV5 which brings up a CFv5 Form with a radio box that has two options which are approve and reject

a connection action saves the result of the checkbox selection and updates the database based on the id.

I would like this form to send an email to the user attached to the id using an existing field in the database called 'email'

How do i pass the email field data to the form to enable CFv5 to send an email to a user based on the id that is being updated

Thanks in advance for any assistance
GreyHead 23 Nov, 2015
Hi ramakunga,

I think that you can do this by using a DB Read action to get the Email address from the ID that you have from CC - then follow that with an Email action and use the Dynamic To box on the Advanced tab to set the address.

ramakunga 25 Nov, 2015
What Value do i put into the "Dynamic To" Box

I have put the DBRead element onto the form and using the debugger can see that the correct data from the database is loaded into the array.

Now i need to get the value assigned to [email] => into the email action and am not sure how to do this, tried many approaches with no success.

Thanks in Advance for your assistance
GreyHead 25 Nov, 2015
Hi ramakunga,

Please post the DeBugger output so that I can see where the email is being loaded.

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