
Chrooforms and Easy-Profile

galbur 21 Nov, 2015

To expand the possibility of the Joomla!-Core User Registration, i use a tool called easy-profile.
A great tool, but it overrides the joomla Original Registration-Form.
So for a project, i have different kind of Registration (different User Groups more or less fields etc.).

So i like to build all this forms with chronoforms, use its joomla-registration function and then i want to save it to the easy-profile table. The key for this is the user ID. The Joomla! Registration creates this id. But how do i build a form in chronoforms to save this id also int easy-profile table?

Thank you
GreyHead 21 Nov, 2015
Hi Chris,

Please see this FAQ - after registration you can get the new user ID from the $form->data[''] array and use that to save to the EasyProfile table(s).

galbur 23 Nov, 2015
Hi Bob

Thank you ver much for helping!
Im not shure, but is the the custom code in the right position? Before writing in the DB i guess?

$form->data['user_id'] = $form->data['_PLUGINS_']['joomla_registration']['id'];

And: if i have to write the user_id in a table called "jsn_user" in the column "id" how do i cahnge the code?

All the best
GreyHead 23 Nov, 2015
Hi Chris,

That looks OK, try it and see, if you add a Debugger you will be able to see the query that is created and check it.

If the column name is just 'id' then use that in place of 'user_id'

galbur 23 Nov, 2015
Hi Bob

Ok. I made these changes in the "custom_code". ("id" instead of "user_id") But suddenly the form won't work anymore.
After submit, there is only a white page instead of the message.
And: i'm not shure where to place the debugger. i can't see any "debug"- Information.

GreyHead 23 Nov, 2015
Hi gabor,

There may be a typo somewhere. Please see this FAQ

galbur 23 Nov, 2015
Hi Bob

With maximum Error Reports it shows me this two messages:

Notice: Undefined index: email1 in plugins/user/jsn_users/jsn_users.php on line 387
Fatal error: Class 'JsnHelper' not found in /plugins/user/jsn_users/jsn_users.php on line 435

GreyHead 24 Nov, 2015
Hi galbur,

That looks like a bug in the Easy Profile component - I don't have it so can't check any further.

galbur 24 Nov, 2015

Thank you very much, Bob.
So i try it in the Easy-Profile Forum again.

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