
Honeypot - Static or Dynamic? Spam passed through

jdran 19 Nov, 2015
Shall I use Dynamic (Javascript requirement) or Static(PhP requirement) in "On submit" part for my form?

I ve set up a Dynamic and the first spam was passed through my form. It was two emails, one with weird language like "we83djkchew" in each required field and some spam links into the message body, and a second one with totally empty fields.
GreyHead 19 Nov, 2015
Hi jdran,

It doesn't make a great deal of difference. Possibly Dynamic will catch a few more.

Do you have an Event Loop action in the pink On Fail box of the Check HoneyPot action in the form ON Submit event?

jdran 20 Nov, 2015
Yes I do have set them up. Well, so far it's only one spam email.
GreyHead 20 Nov, 2015
Hi jdran,

The required validation won't spot junk content like 'we83djkchew'

A totally blank submission may come from a web-bot or virus scanner running over the site and testing all URLs. Should be stopped by the Captcha though.

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