
Submit button in tabbed form

HerKle 13 Nov, 2015
I used the tabbed demo form of CFv5 and customized it to my needs. Unfortunately the "submit" button now jumps from first tab directly to the next action ("thanks message") instead of the next tab. After reading the faq/forum I understand that each tab has to have at least one field with "required" attribute to make "submit" work correctly. Nevertheless, my tabs contain fields where "nothing to select from" is a valid option (eg. because they wish to attend only one day of a 4-days-event), nor do I wish to bother the user with error messages, which make him look stupid without any reason.

The "next button" answers in the forum seem all valid for older CFv4. Is there any solution for current CFv5?
Or alternately could there be a possibility, to make the "Submit" button appear/visible only in the last tab?

Thanks for your reply.
Kind regards, Herbert
HerKle 15 Nov, 2015
Hi again,

I choose a simple solution:

1. Keep the content per tab short enough that its heading link is still visible without need for scrolling.
2. Put the submit button into the last tab.

Regards, Herbert
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