
recaptcha always wrong answer

Bouseka 08 Nov, 2015

I am new to chronoforms and i am getting the recaptcha error message ( captcha was incorrect ) no matter what i answer.

attached is my form backup, any help is appreciated.

Thank you
GreyHead 09 Nov, 2015
Hi Boeseka,

Please double check the keys are correct. Otherwise it appears to be working OK - I restored the form here and replaced your keys with my own.

GreyHead 10 Nov, 2015
Hi Bouseka,

There is nothing obviously wrong that I can see from the front-end. I suggest that you try one of the other Anti-spam methods, and see if that cures the problem. My personal preference it the version of the HoneyPot described in this FAQ - it is invisible to the user, reliable and doesn't use any special codes or keys.

Bouseka 11 Nov, 2015
thing is , even tho the captcha is giving me the incorrect answer message, it still sends an Email to the person filling the form and to the admin mail.
GreyHead 12 Nov, 2015
Hi Bouseka,

Then something must be looping and reloading (or resumitting) the form. In a normal submission nothing after the Check Captcha will be run as the user is directed back to the form.

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