actions_config[3]["upload_path"] = "/home/sites/xxxx/images/movements".DS.$year.DS;?>In the example image above the year is 2014. So when I want to upload a file to that record, the file has to be uploaded in the 2014 folder (in images/movements). This part isn't working.After the custom code I have a file upload. In there I left the upload_path emtpy.So when I test my form, the filename is stored in the database, but the file isn't uploaded. I think I am doing something wrong with the custom code....Hope someone can help me.Regards,Ruud"> File upload: input field in dynamic Path - Forums


File upload: input field in dynamic Path

flyboeing 06 Nov, 2015
Hello all,

For my CC list I created a ChronoForm to edit a record. For this I used this tutorial:

Everything is working great but now I want to add a file upload, so I can add an image to the edited record. With the static upload path everything is working great, but I would like to have a dynamic path for it.
I came across this tutorial:
Very helpfull, but I don't want to upload the file under some users folder, I want to upload it to the year that is used in the edit form.

In CF, in the Designer tab, I have a input field with the name "movements_ewas[year]" (without ""). This is how my date lookes in the edit form:
I also have a file upload element.

In the Setup tab I have a custom code [b]before[/b] the file upload and it has this code:

$year = $form->data['movements_ewas']['year']);
$form->actions_config[3]["upload_path"] = "/home/sites/xxxx/images/movements".DS.$year.DS;

In the example image above the year is 2014. So when I want to upload a file to that record, the file has to be uploaded in the 2014 folder (in images/movements). This part isn't working.

After the custom code I have a file upload. In there I left the upload_path emtpy.

So when I test my form, the filename is stored in the database, but the file isn't uploaded.
I think I am doing something wrong with the custom code....

Hope someone can help me.

pat01 18 Jul, 2016

I have the same problem.

In CF4 ist was possible to simply add the name of the desired field inside of curly brackets to the upload path.

It worked great.

Unfortunately it's not working in CF5 anymore.
Is there any solution for this?

Thanks a lot!

GreyHead 18 Jul, 2016
Hi Patrick,

What exactly do you need to do?

There are two ways to put an uploaded file in a custom folder.

+ you can move it after the Files Upload action, or

+ you can over-ride the default Upload Path - Max has posted some code to do this, I'd need to hunt that down in the forums.

?? It might also be possible to add a folder prefix to the file name in the File Name code box - I haven't tried that ??

pat01 18 Jul, 2016
Hi Bob

In the form I have a textfield named "lastname". I want the upload path to be like this:

where {lastname} will be replaeced with the data the user puts into the field "lastname".

In CF4 it worked like this:

But it's not working in CF5.

GreyHead 18 Jul, 2016
Hi Patrick,

This seems to work.

Add a Custom Code action before the Upload Files action with code like this:
$form->actions_config[1]['upload_path'] = JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_chronoforms5/chronoforms/uploads/'.$form->form['Form']['title'].'/'.$form->data['text4'].'/';

Replace the 1 with the ID of the Files Upload action - the little number just after the Files Upload label.
Replace the path with the one you need. In your case that will be something like

pat01 19 Jul, 2016
Hi Bob

Works great, thank you very much!

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