Hello friends, I show a debuger file .---
If you look dbsave "insert into" it must save 102 rows but, in the 71 row it doesn't save anything more.
I supose the problem could be a "variable mysql ambience" but i dont know what kind it is
But maybe I am wrong and the problem could be something else.
If i change the rows the results are the same. (always 71 rows)
Hello friends, I show a debuger file .---
If you look dbsave "insert into" it must save 102 rows but, in the 71 row it doesn't save anything more.
I supose the problem could be a "variable mysql ambience" but i dont know what kind it is
But maybe I am wrong and the problem could be something else.
If i change the rows the results are the same. (always 71 rows)
Hi Thomas,
If you look around line 2919 of the Debugger output you'll see that there are only 71 records to save [0]-[70]
What are you trying to do here - this is an enormous amount of data for a single form?
Yes if you open the deguber_onload you will see that the records are 102
In this process
1. open 3 databases
2. join databases and create a new array
3. insert into other database
I have used the process yesterday without problems with other records.
but never records more to 50 records.
In this case the records are 102.
I dont know why....
Hi Thomas,
Maybe you are hitting some kind of limit - I can see no obvious explanation from the Debugger files. I have no idea what logic you are using to merge these, and it seems to me that it might be getter done in PHPMyAdmin - or using custom code in a form event without loading and submitting all this data. (And most of the data content seems te be repetitive.)
Yes, finally the process is running.
I have changed only this.
I have put.
dataSession <-> sessionDATA in LOAD and submit
Only with this change is running. In the debugger-Submit they appear all records.
About Repetition data
Yes is true.
I need to save the message for every client.
but I have two options for best code.
1. Only putting content message when saving database. for speed of the form
2. Saving the reference to original and unique message
This option is the best but i need to create a process for it difference between a normal message and group message.
I'll think because I have to send 3000 every year and only there are 30 unique mails.
My database mailing is very big then.
If you want when i finish all work (making with chronoforms and chronoconectivity) I'll show to you.
All is a good work except this process that sends mails with mail() in php inside of custom code.
I would like prepare a CRON process to send mails. But I don't know how do it.
Thank's for all. BOB
Hi ideagrup,
It is possible to set up a new form event and call that from a Cron job on the server as . . . index.php?option=com_chronoforms5&chronoform=form_name&event=event_name
Yes, I know I know. But:
In my server only I can putting a Cron Process with time filter.
FILE.PHP -> N Time every hour, minute, second, etc...
If I make a php file it opens and filters database. And sends e-mails to unchecked records. Only to first record every minute will be ok.
But when the process is finishing will be running all day.
I need a process to activating del cron depending of newsletters exist
Dou You understand me?
Hi Thomas,
No - I don't' fully understand.
If you link your Cron Job to a form event you can use a DB Read or Custom Code to check if there are new users/newsletters to send and exit if there aren't any.
If I link my CRON Job:
The process could be like this?
1. Every minute CRON execute check-mail to send (form)
if No -> close process
If yes -> Send ONE mail
But the question is:
This process every minute used a lot of memory??
Target: send between 50 - 200 mail records in second level.
Hi Thomas,
I don't expect it would take a lot of memory and it should clear up when it finishes - but why do you need to run it every minute?