
TCPDF header and logo

Raimis 13 Oct, 2015
How insert in TCPDF
Document title - new line and logo
Document header - new line and logo

if cannot do this how delete these two inputs from PDF and i make this custom in Contents.
GreyHead 13 Oct, 2015
Hi Raimis,

I don't think that it is possible to add an image to the Header. There has been another thread on the same topic in the last few days that used a hack to do this - please check there to see if that will solve your problem.

Raimis 13 Oct, 2015
how about new line in these inputs ? like <br />
GreyHead 13 Oct, 2015
Hi Raimis,

They may work - try one and see.

Raimis 13 Oct, 2015
<p>,<br>, <br />, \n or toher html code not work maybe are other ways ?
GreyHead 13 Oct, 2015
Hi Raimis,

It looks as though it is not possible, I tried a couple of other possibilities \\n and
but none of them work.

ITadminguy 25 Jan, 2016
Bob, it's not the prettiest and in an emergency, if you need blank lines in your tcpdf I did got this to work

For single spacing, just make a space with cursor. The   does not work in tcpdf.

I am working on logo, header, and footer, so I may have more in a few days after experimenting a bit.

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