
Redirect Timer after ThankYou Message

Malte1983 09 Oct, 2015
Hello everybody,

i have a problem with the "forwarding" redirecting after the ThankYou-Message. I know there is a Action called ReDirect in the Utilities Section.

I need a timer. The Thankyou Message show up and there is a note like this :" You will be redirected in ( 10, 9 ,8 ) seconds

Is that possible to do that?

And please excuse my bad english.

Greetings from Germany
GreyHead 09 Oct, 2015
Hi Malte1983,

Please see this FAQ for one way to do a timed redirect but this doesn't have a timer.

I found this StackOverFlow answer that has code to display a counter then redirect, you can adapt that to use in a ChronoForm.

Malte1983 09 Oct, 2015
Hello Bob,

thank you very much. it helps a lot.

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