
Copy Container

JerseyGirl 01 Oct, 2015
I have several similar containers in my form and would like to create one and then copy and edit to create the others. Is this possible, using the wizard? I couldn't figure out how to do it - It says "paste" for containers where it says "copy" for fields. Not sure what that "paste" button does - did not seem to do anything (Firefox browser).

So far, I created one container, including all the fields in it. Then I created a new container, created the first field (couldn't seem to copy and drag a field to an empty container, only one that had at least one field in it), and then copied and dragged each of the other fields into the second container (and edited their field names and ids). Works, but inefficient. Just wanted to make sure there isn't a better way.

JerseyGirl 01 Oct, 2015
Slight correction - I am not able to copy and paste a field from Container 1 and drag it to Container 2. It looks like you can, while in edit mode, but then when you save the form, that field is not saved in Container 2 - it is saved outside the container.

Is that just the way it is, or am I missing something?


P.S. I can copy and paste a field from Container 2, and drag it into Container 2.. but that requires more editing in my case - would be nice if you could copy a field from Container 1 and paste it into Container 2.
GreyHead 01 Oct, 2015
Hi JerseyGirl,

You can't copy and paste a whole container with it's contents :-(

The paste button will 'paste' a copy of the last element that you 'copied'.

You should be able to copy an element from one container and paste it into another - that's a reasonably quick way to duplicate similar content. But remember that element names (usually) and ids (always) should be unique.

JerseyGirl 01 Oct, 2015
Thanks for the info.

Can you run a test on copying an element from Container 1 and pasting in Container 2 to see if you reproduce my results - every time I tried it, it looked fine in the wizard display before saving (e.g., the element was "inside" Container 2), but after saving, the element was outside Container 2 (not in any container - just "loose" on the form, underneath Container 2). Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
GreyHead 01 Oct, 2015
Hi JerseyGirl,

It's working OK for me. I just copied a couple of inputs from one container to another saving in between with no problems.

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