
error message Mollie

tvdgreft 29 Sep, 2015
I am using the Mollie action satisfactorily.
Sometimes I hear from our members that they get the message that the payment was failed.
Is it possible to get the errormessage from Mollie when the action was failed , so I can see what happened?

Greetings, Theo
GreyHead 29 Sep, 2015
Hi Theo,

The error message should have been saved to the database table along with the other transaction data.

If you need more then you can enable Logging in the GateWay Mollie [GH] action - that should save a log of all transaction data to a log file that you can review later.

To give you notice you can add an email action to the On Fail event of the Gateway Mollie Submit [GH] action and set that up to send you the transaction details.

tvdgreft 29 Sep, 2015
Is it possible to read the error message in the On Fail event, in order to include this message in the email action?
GreyHead 30 Sep, 2015
Hi Theo,

It's not available for adding to an email at present - it is saved to the database table, and, optionally, to the log file.

tvdgreft 30 Sep, 2015
Hi Bob,

It is also not possible to get the cf_id of the record in the database, with which I can read the record in the database?

GreyHead 30 Sep, 2015
Hi Theo,

The Transaction ID is in the form data so you can use that - add this to the Email template and it will give you what is available:
echo'<div>$form->data: '.print_r($form->data, true).'</div>';

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