
drop down menu return values

jdran 28 Sep, 2015
I ve set some a dropdown menu to a contact form to induce user select a service he is interested to. However on email sent, only the according number of service is shown:
0=Service 1
1=Service 2
2=Service 3

and in email template it is:
<tr><td>Service interested to</td><td>{service}</td></tr>
but result is:
Service interested to 2
instead of:
Service interested to Service 3

Also, how can I set a zero (null) selection? Users sometimes do not select a service but just leave the first option on.
It is going to be required in validation and I want users to actually select a service.
GreyHead 28 Sep, 2015
Hi jdran,

To set a null selection use the 'Empty option' box in the element.

For the useful info please see this FAQ

jdran 30 Sep, 2015
Done! I did it. Thank you.
Here is what I did for a simple required drop down in case anybody else needs a bit more of help:

Created all necessary data in ecxel. The cells are in the following format:
1 = > ' Selection 1 ' ,
2 = > ' Selection 2 ' ,
Each data is in its own cell because excel uses ' =>' for other purposes than simple data. So I had to put everything in a single cell in a row. Then I used the function =CONCATENATE(A3;B3;C3;D3;E3;F3;G3) to create each row of my array:
1=>'Selection 1',
2=>'Se;ection 2',

Then I copied pasted the column with concateneted data to have an array to use to the code like:

$myCustom_array = array(
1=> 'Selection 1',
2=> 'Selection 2',
$form->data['myCustomData_name'] = $myCustom_array[$form->data['DropDownformName']];

and I put the above as a custom code in Setup (Chronoforms v5) into 'OnSubmit' before email action.

In email action template I used the {MyCustomData_name} to send the result!

Good luck!
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