
PayPal service upgrades

farmington 24 Sep, 2015
I recently received an e-mail from PayPal saying that they were upgrading their certificate to SHA-256. They were notifying merchants that use Instant Payment Notification (IPN) because they would need to make changes in order for payment processing to still work.

I assume this would be in the PayPal Redirect module within ChronoForms. Has this been updated as needed? Is there anything I need to do to be sure that I have the correct version so that I won't have an interruption in PayPal payment capability?

Thanks, as always.
GreyHead 24 Sep, 2015
Hi farmington,

As far as I understand you need to check with your web-host that your site is configured to support an SHA-256 certificate (there's a list here that may help). There is nothing in the ChronoForms actions that checks or uses this directly so they should be OK.

farmington 24 Sep, 2015
OK - I will look into that aspect. I'm guessing that should be fine. I'm hosted at SiteGround ( who host the Joomla demo site). I'm sure they're up to date.
Thanks again.
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