
Email SMTP error

pringle 17 Sep, 2015
Hello, sory my bad english but not use google tradutor xD

I configure Chonoforms = Joomla configuration SMTP but emails not sent, and show "SMTP connect() failed" i try other ports, i try security ssl and tls but nothing, in phpmailer sent correctly but administrator desactivate for security, in mode SMTP not sent is the problem😫 and joomla global configurations i use normal and sent. Please help me, my boss kill me xD

GreyHead 18 Sep, 2015
Hi pringle,

If you leave the ChronoForms settings empty then the Joomla! mailer will be used. Please try that.

pringle 20 Sep, 2015
Hi GreyHead,

I try chronoforms settings empty but dont sucessfull, i continue with problem for sent and receive, i try empty but continue dont run, Sory, please help me :c

GreyHead 20 Sep, 2015
Hi pringle,

By all means PM me the site URL, the form name, and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

pringle 26 Sep, 2015
Sory but my boss dont aproved.

I can zip files chronoforms? or more prints?
GreyHead 26 Sep, 2015
Hi pringle,

You can take a form backup using the Backup icon in the Forms Manager toolbar and post it here. That may not help if the problem is with the way you have the site mailer or CF mailer configured.

pringle 03 Oct, 2015
Hi Bob, i need your help, i reinstall chronoforms V5 files, and continue error... i report error and in report check website.

This is private content

GreyHead 03 Oct, 2015
Hi pringle,

I can tell nothing about this from the form in the front-end of the site.

The error message that you posted says 'Incorrect Authentification Data' so I suggest that you check the mailer configuration. This may be in the ChronoForms SMTP settings if you are still using those, or in the site Global Configuration.

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