
update status field winth CFV5

GreyHead 13 Sep, 2015
Hi cornelio,

It should be simpler than that. What is the name of the column you want to update? and How do you know which record it is?

cornelio 13 Sep, 2015
Hi, Bob.

of course I have already recovered the ID of the record and then I wanted to know without rewriting the query manually if you can act on Update Conditions on DBsave form

GreyHead 13 Sep, 2015
Hi cornelio,

You can copy the status value to a sub-array of the $form->data array to separate it out. Use a Custom Code action like this:
$form->data['model_id']['status'] = $form->data['status'];
then set the DB Save to use model_id as the Model ID and set the Conditions box to update the record ID you have.

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